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FR AB - Science Reference

FR AB - Science Reference


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<strong>AB</strong>RF 2001 <strong>AB</strong>STRACTS<br />

P129-T<br />

Isolation and identification of rat liver proteins using ultracentrifugation<br />

with Nycodenz and 1D/2D-SDS-PAGE.<br />

K. Murayama1, T. Fujimura1, M. Morita2, N. Shindo1; 1Juntendo Univ. Sch.<br />

of Med., 2-1-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8421, Japan, 2Hitachi<br />

Koki Co., Ltd.<br />

The use of 2D-SDS-PAGE as a clinical molecular scanner of various tissues<br />

and physiological fluid samples has proved useful. However, each organ contains<br />

more than 4,000 proteins and accordingly, it is almost impossible to<br />

study the functional role of these proteins unless separated. Our ultimate goal<br />

is to use 2D-SDS-PAGE as a clinical molecular scanner to define each<br />

organelle in various organs.<br />

In this study, we report the isolation of rat liver organelles by density gradient<br />

centrifugation using Nycodenz. Nycodenz solution at 10, 20, or 30% concentration,<br />

containing 0.25 M sucrose (as an osmotic balancer), was added<br />

to each centrifuge tube and allowed to stand overnight at �20 to �80�. The<br />

solution was thawed at room temperature (�2 h), and analyzed to construct<br />

a density gradient curve. When used in a 5-ml tube, Nycodenz gradient densities<br />

from the top to the bottom without any centrifugation were 1.0334 to<br />

1.2188 at 10%, 1.0506 to 1.2878 at 20% and 1.0856 to 1.3199 at 30%. Liver<br />

homogenate (0.4 ml, 4 mg) was loaded on the Nycodenz gradient solution<br />

and centrifuged at 28,000 rpm for 20 min using a Hitachi ultracentrifuge<br />

CP100�-RPS40T-2. The mixture was fractionated by a fractionator, DGF-U, its<br />

absorbance measured at 360 nm with a spectrophotometer and density with<br />

an Abbe refract meter. Next, 5 �l of each fraction was applied onto 10% gel<br />

for 1D-SDS-PAGE, electrophoresis, and the gel was stained by silver nitrate.<br />

Another 1D-SDS-PAGE was erector-blotted to a PVDF membrane and the<br />

presence of organelles was confirmed using antibody of the marker protein<br />

for each organelle.<br />

P131-M<br />

Selective depletion of major serum proteins and fractionation prior<br />

to 2-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis.<br />

J.J. Cummings, E. Rohde, P.R. Griffin; Merck Res. Labs., RY800-B210, Rahway,<br />

NJ 07065<br />

Two dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2DIGE) is a powerful technique<br />

for the study of protein expression in physiological fluids such as<br />

serum. However, the presence of a few major proteins interferes with the<br />

separation and detection of many low abundant, yet physiologically important<br />

proteins. Albumin (52%), IgG (20%), IgA (2.5%), IgM (1.6%), transferrin<br />

(3.6%) and �1-antitrypsin (1.6%) are the major constituents of serum in many<br />

species.<br />

Our objective was to selectively remove abundant proteins in a few sequential<br />

steps followed by the division of the depleted sera into multiple fraction<br />

based on their hydrophobicity (RP-HPLC) and/or charge (IEX-HPLC) prior to<br />

pre-electrophoresis fluorescent labeling.<br />

The effective removal of albumin was accomplished using Cibachron blue<br />

dye spin columns. Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM) were removed by gel filtration<br />

over protein A and G columns. Affinity resins specific to transferrin and<br />

�1 antitrypsin were prepared in house and used for the depletion of the<br />

respective proteins. Chromatographic fractionation was carried out on largebore<br />

columns (4.6 � 100 mm). During all depletion and fractionation steps<br />

emphasis was placed on maximizing protein recovery. The protein concentration<br />

was monitored spectrophotometrically and effectiveness of depletion<br />

was assessed by SDS-PAGE.<br />

The separation of the depleted and fractionated sera by 2DIGE resulted in a<br />

significant increase in the dynamic range of the separation. Utilizing this<br />

approach proteins were detected in areas previously obscured by major<br />

serum constituents. Furthermore an increased number of proteins was<br />

observed. Combined with the power of differential protein mapping using<br />

fluorescent dyes the procedure has shown great utility in the search for differentially<br />

expressed proteins. We present examples of coupling 2DIGE with<br />

�LC-MS/MS and database searching for the identification of surrogate markers<br />

in sera.<br />

POSTER <strong>AB</strong>STRACTS<br />


P130-S<br />

Rapid and simple single nanogram detection of glycoproteins<br />

in polyacrylamide gels and on electroblots.<br />

W.F. Patton, T.H. Steinberg, K.N. Berggren, K. Pretty On Top, C. Kemper,<br />

Z. Diwu, R.P. Haugland; Molecular Probes Inc., 4849 Pitchford Avenue,<br />

Eugene, OR 97402<br />

The fluorescent hydrazide, Pro-Q Emerald 300 dye, may be conjugated to<br />

glycoproteins by a periodic acid Schiff’s (PAS) mechanism. The glycols present<br />

in glycoproteins are initially oxidized to aldehydes using periodic acid.<br />

The dye then reacts with the aldehydes to generate a highly fluorescent conjugate.<br />

Reduction with sodium metabisulfite or sodium borohydride is not<br />

required to stabilize the conjugate. Though glycoprotein detection may be<br />

performed on transfer membranes, direct detection in gels avoids electroblotting<br />

and glycoproteins may be visualized 2–3 hours after electrophoresis.<br />

This is substantially more rapid than PAS labeling with digoxigenin<br />

hydrazide followed by detection with an anti-digoxigenin antibody conjugate<br />

of alkaline phosphatase, or PAS labeling with biotin hydrazide followed by<br />

detection with horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase conjugates of<br />

streptavidin, which require more than eight hours to complete. Pro-Q Emerald<br />

300 dye is spectrally compatible with SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain,<br />

allowing two-color detection of glycosylated and nonglycosylated proteins on<br />

the same gel or blot. Both fluorophores are excited with mid-range UV illumination.<br />

Pro-Q Emerald 300 dye maximally emits at 530 nm (green) while<br />

SYPRO Ruby dye maximally emits at 610 nm (red). As little as 300 pg of a1acid<br />

glycoprotein (40% carbohydrate) and 1 ng of avidin (10% carbohydrate)<br />

or glucose oxidase (12% carbohydrate) are detectable in gels after staining<br />

with Pro-Q Emerald 300 dye. Besides detecting glycoproteins, as little as 2–8<br />

ng of lipopolysaccharide is detectable in gels using Pro-Q Emerald 300 dye<br />

while 250–1000 ng is required for silver staining. Detection of glycoproteins<br />

may be achieved in 1-D or 2-D gels and on PVDF or nitrocellulose membranes.<br />

P132-T<br />

Rice tissue proteomics: towards a functional analysis of the<br />

rice genome.<br />

S. Komatsu, S. Shen, Z. Li, G. Yang, H. Konishi, M. Yoshikawa, R. Rakwal;<br />

Natl. Inst. of Agrobiol. Resources, 2-1-2 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki<br />

305-8602, Japan<br />

The technique of proteome analysis with two-dimensional polyacrylamide<br />

gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) has the power to monitor global changes that<br />

occur in the protein expression of a tissue, an organism, and/or under<br />

stresses. In this study, proteins extracted from endosperm, embryo, root, callus,<br />

green shoot, etiolated shoot, leaf sheath and panicle of rice were separated<br />

by 2D-PAGE. The separated proteins were electroblotted onto a<br />

polyvinylidene difluoride membrane. The N-terminal amino-acid sequences<br />

of 117 out of 377 proteins were determined in this manner. N-terminal<br />

regions of the remaining proteins could not be sequenced and they were<br />

inferred to have a blocking group at N-terminus. Internal amino-acid<br />

sequences of 260 proteins were determined using the protein sequencer or<br />

matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry<br />

after enzyme digestion of proteins. Finally, a data-file of rice proteins was<br />

constructed, which included information on amino-acid sequence and<br />

sequence homology. Using this experimental approach, we could identify the<br />

major proteins involved in growth and development of rice. Some of these<br />

proteins, including a calcium-binding protein, which turned out to be carleticulin<br />

in rice, have functions in signal transduction pathway. The information<br />

thus obtained from amino-acid sequence of these proteins will be<br />

helpful in predicting the function of the proteins and for their molecular<br />

cloning in future experiments.<br />

This work was supported in part by a grant of Rice Genome Project PR-1201,<br />

MAFF, Japan.

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