FR AB - Science Reference

FR AB - Science Reference

FR AB - Science Reference


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<strong>AB</strong>RF 2001 <strong>AB</strong>STRACTS<br />

P33-T<br />

A targeted approach for more sensitive and accurate protein<br />

identification.<br />

D.K. Leung, M.J. Horn; BioMolecular Technol., Inc., 525F Del Rey Ave.,<br />

Sunnyvale, CA 94086<br />

Selective isolation of peptides containing low abundance amino acids such<br />

as tryptophan, offers a direct way to simplify protein digest mixtures prior to<br />

mass spectrometric analysis. This approach provides benefits for both in-gel<br />

digests and digests of protein mixtures.<br />

To this end a solid phase reagent capable of selectively binding to tryptophan<br />

has been developed. This solid support material binds covalently to tryptophan<br />

or tryptophan containing peptides, allowing for their selective separation<br />

from mixtures of peptides and proteins. Bound peptides can be released<br />

from the solid-support by a reducing reagent to give analytical samples for<br />

further analysis (LC, MS, etc.). The specificity of the binding chemistry coupled<br />

with mass spectrometric analysis by MALDI affords improved accuracy<br />

in data base search and in protein identification.<br />

<strong>Reference</strong>s<br />

1. Shechter, Y., Rubinstein, M. and Patchornik, A. (1976), Biochemical and<br />

Biophysical Research Comm. {4} (70), 1257.<br />

2. Early, S. L., Magil, S. G., Novak, C. and Horn, M. J. (1989), Techniques in<br />

Protein Chemistry, Academic Press, Inc., 439.<br />

3. McEldoon, W., and Horn, M.J. (2000), 14th Protein Society Symposium,<br />

{August}.<br />

P35-M<br />

Guanylation of lysines as a means to enhance confidence of protein<br />

identification in proteomics.<br />

S. Krishnan1, M. Lin2, K. Waddell1; 1Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA,<br />

500 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham, MA 01701, 2Applied Biosystems,<br />

Framingham, MA<br />

The completion of several genomes, including that of the human, has shifted<br />

the emphasis to determining the proteome counterpart of biological systems.<br />

The current approach for such a proteomic analysis is the mass fingerprinting<br />

of tryptic digests of proteins (generated by ingel digest of 1 or 2-D gel<br />

spots or of chromatographic fractions) using MALDI-Tof mass spectrometry<br />

followed by database searching of the masses so obtained. It has recently<br />

been noticed that the arginine containing peptides ionize better under MALDI<br />

conditions compared to lysine containing peptides. We present here an<br />

approach to use this as an advantage in enhancing confidence of the database<br />

search matches by modifying the lysines to homoarginines. The increase<br />

in confidence is achieved due to increase in the number of peptides seen in<br />

the mass spectrum resulting from the guanylation of lysine e-amino group<br />

(addition of 42 Da) and also the fact that such a modification indicates the<br />

lysine containing peptides in the tryptic digest mix. Tryptic digests of BSA,<br />

Enolase, alpha lactalbumin, and cytochrome C were generated by routine<br />

procedures and mixed in various combinations. The digest mixtures were<br />

than analyzed by MALDI-Tof mass spectrometry followed by database searching<br />

of the peptide masses for identification of proteins. A portion of the digest<br />

mixture was then reacted with O-methyl isourea sulfate to convert the lysines<br />

to homoarginines. The modified digest mixtures were analyzed by MALDI-<br />

Tof mass spectrometry followed by database searching. The analysis before<br />

and after the modification helped identify the lysine containing peptides in<br />

the digest and hence a more comprehensive identification of the protein mixture.<br />

POSTER <strong>AB</strong>STRACTS<br />


P34-S<br />

Approaches to validating SEQUEST database search results.<br />

R.E. Moore, M.K. Young, T.D. Lee; Beckman Res. Inst., City of Hope,<br />

1450 E. Duarte Rd., Duarte, CA 91010<br />

Tandem mass spectrometry and database searching is a very powerful<br />

approach to protein identification. Unfortunately, the wealth of data that<br />

makes the technique so powerful also requires extensive analyst time for data<br />

reduction and validation of search results. When analyzing complex samples,<br />

it can easily take more time to validate and reduce the data than it did to generate<br />

it. This time requirement is a serious problem because the technique<br />

is otherwise well suited to high throughput analysis.<br />

Two aspects of result validation are analyzed: validation of search results for<br />

individual tandem mass spectra and validation of composite results for sets<br />

of individual spectral matches. Statistical analysis and experiments with falsified<br />

databases demonstrate that there is a significant chance of generating<br />

multiple incorrect matches to the same protein when examining large data<br />

sets. This makes it imperative to validate the individual spectral matches, as<br />

simple reliance on multiplicity of matches to a single protein does not guarantee<br />

a correct result.<br />

Several approaches to validating individual spectral matches were tried and<br />

compared to the existing standard of manually comparing actual and predicted<br />

spectra. The most successful approach was to search each spectrum<br />

twice, once using tryptic specificity and once using no enzyme specificity,<br />

and correlate the results. When both searches generate the same result, that<br />

result is almost always validated by manual examination. When the non-specific<br />

search generated a higher cross-correlation score the result of the search<br />

using tryptic cleavage was almost never manually validated. Surprisingly,<br />

there were a large number of searches in which the search using tryptic<br />

cleavage resulted in a higher cross-correlation score than the search using<br />

non-specific cleavage. This third group yielded a moderate number of spectra<br />

that were manually validated.<br />

P36-T<br />

Automated analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism using mass<br />

spectrometry.<br />

M.S. Minkoff1, P. Ross1, L. Hall1, R. Jones2, D. Ledman1, L. Haff1; 1Applied<br />

Biosystems, 500 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham, MA 01701, 2Inst. for<br />

Child Hlth.<br />

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are increasingly employed as<br />

genetic markers for associated studies of many inherited diseases and traits.<br />

It is apparent that approximately 3 million putative SNPs will be found in the<br />

Human Genome. In order to tackle the task of validating the significance of<br />

any of these putative SNPs the chemistry and analytical platforms must meet<br />

demanding throughput and cost requirements. The SNP assay developed to<br />

meet these criteria incorporates the use of simple, inexpensive primers and<br />

unlabeled nucleotides for single base extensions, thus keeping down the cost<br />

of analysis. Multiplexing the analysis of SNPs enhances affordability of genotyping<br />

studies as well as significantly improving throughput. The use of<br />

high throughput automated Mass Spectrometry with integrated data acquisition,<br />

genotyping, sample handling software package simplifies and speedsup<br />

the task. In addition the top-level software application package tracks<br />

sample information throughout the workflow and stores all information in a<br />

central database. Data in support of multiplexed, automated sample handling,<br />

acquisition, analysis and reporting is presented.

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