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ARD 2020


In an international framework characterised by changing regulatory regimes and

increasing harsh competition, research and innovation are key factors to ensure smart

specialisation and sustainable economic development of territories and stakeholders.

In the very well-established perfume and cosmetic industry of the Centre-Val de Loire

region, the COSMETOSCIENCES programme aims at giving a significant impetus to

research projects with a strong character of innovation to unlock industrial development

blockages by opening the door to new concepts and enabling the creation of new

startups. It fosters French leadership in the sector and the leadership of the Centre-Val

de Loire region, particularly with regard to sustainable cosmetics.

Anchored in the Centre-Val de Loire region, this project revolves around the structuring

of research at the national level on this cosmetic theme, including the research group

(GDR) Cosmactifs, set up by CNRS in January 2015. It brings forty-eight laboratories

together and is driven by the University of Orléans. Focused on economic development,

this project shares in the international influence of the French cosmetics industry

across the Centre-Val de Loire region.

Together with the Cosmetic Valley competitiveness cluster and in conjunction with the

cosmetic industry, the programme creates the centre of expertise for the cosmetics

Industry. Located at the very heart of the territory covered by Cosmetic Valley, its mission

is to support business growth in the perfume and cosmetics sector with research,

training and development activities and services specifically targeting very small and

medium sized enterprises (VSEs and SMEs).

The centre focuses on three complementary developmental axes:

Cosmétopée and Sustainable Cosmetic

Glycochemistry and Glycobiology

Innovation in Formulation, Cellular Tools and Technologies

The programme is funded by the Region Centre-Val de Loire for the period 2015-2020.

ARD 2020 Programme 2019


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