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Earth, Ecology & Environment Sciences 2019


Dr Max McGillen

From:University of Bristol - UK

In residence at: The Institute of Combustion

Aerothermal Reactivity and Environment

(ICARE) - Orléans

Nationality: British


LE STUDIUM Research Fellow

ARD 2020 PIVOTS Programme

September 2018 to December 2018

April 2019 to September 2019

Dr Max McGillen has worked in several laboratories

in the UK, and has earned international

experience in the USA, Ireland and France.

He has worked in a variety of areas including

laboratory measurements, field measurements

and structure activity relationships. This has

resulted in a broad understanding of atmospheric

chemistry. Max has been the recipient of an

ESF exchange grant, a Marie Skłodowska Curie

Research Fellowship, and is now enjoying his

status as a Le Studium Fellow. He is also an active

member of an international expert panel on the

evaluation of structure-activity relationships, and

is currently leading their efforts to compile and

review an extensive atmospheric kinetic database;

Dr Abdelwahid Mellouki

Host scientist

Dr Abdelwahid Mellouki’s undergraduate and

graduate studies were conducted in the Universities

of Tours, Orleans and Paris 7 (France). He spent

two years as a Research Associate at the National

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s

Aeronomy Laboratory (Boulder-Colorado). His

main research fields are Chemical Kinetics,

Atmospheric Chemistry, Air Pollution and Climate

change. He joined the CNRS in 1992, where he is

currently a Research Director at ICARE in Orléans

(France), leading the Atmospheric Reactivity Group.

He has been nominated National Distinguished

Professor at Shandong University (China) and

Guest Professor at the Chinese Academy of

Science (CAS/ RCEES-Beijing) and Fudan University

(Shanghai). His research over focus on many

aspects of atmospheric chemistry, including the

study of the atmospheric oxidation mechanisms

of anthropogenic and biogenic carbon-containing

species and halogen chemistry. He is author or

coauthor of over 200 scientific publications/chapters

related to atmospheric chemistry.

The goal of this project is to obtain accurate and precise data on the

rates and products associated with chemical reactions occurring in the

atmosphere, using a wide variety of measurement techniques available

at ICARE. Some of these measurements are challenging and the fellow

will be required to utilize his experience to try to address long-standing

uncertainties within atmospheric chemistry. He will also helping to develop

experimental protocols and techniques at the host laboratory.

Achievements so far: The fellow has been focusing on the reaction of

sulphur dioxide with the OH radical. This is a very important reaction in

atmosphere, since it leads to the formation of sulphuric acid, which is

of crucial importance to aerosol formation, and therefore has a major

effect in terms of air pollution and climate change. However, there remain

some key uncertainties in this reaction rate, primarily related to the

effect of pressure on this reaction. To begin with, a thorough survey of

the literature regarding this reaction was performed, and the gaps in the

knowledge were assessed. Accordingly the fellow has conducted a series of

careful measurements in the presence of a variety of bath gases (helium,

nitrogen and argon) using the pulsed laser photolysis–laser induced

fluorescence (PLP-LIF) technique. The maximum pressure available to

the PLP-LIF technique is ~400 Torr (below atmospheric pressure), and

therefore to complement this technique, a series of simulation chamber

measurements have been made in the presence of nitrogen, oxygen, argon

and air at 760 Torr. By measuring this reaction using different techniques

over a wide range of conditions, we have made definitive progress regarding

understanding the pressure dependence of this reaction. This allows us to

compare with previous measurements, and to determine, which, if any, are

accurate. It is expected that this work will result in a publication that will

be of interest to the atmospheric chemical community. The fellow has also

taken the responsibility of instructing a PhD student, Ms. Hajar Elothmani,

in atmospheric chemistry and the techniques involved in making accurate

gas-phase kinetic measurements. Dr McGillen has also supervised a

project of a post-doctoral appointee, Dr Soukaina Foulal, which investigates

the impact of jet-fuel emissions upon air quality. This has led to an ongoing

collaboration with Dr Bernard Aumont at the Laboratoire Interuniversitaire

des Systèmes Atmosphériques in Paris, which will also be worthy of

publication in the future.

Dr McGillen was also able to provide his experience and expertise in a

groundbreaking field measurement campaign in the Atlas Mountains in

autumn 2019, where the ICARE team led an international effort in making

some of the first detailed atmospheric chemical measurements in North


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