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We are using Raman spectroscopy to demonstrate the impact of storage

conditions on the biophysical quality of lab-grown human skin equivalent

tissues. These skin equivalents are known as reconstructed human

epidermis or RHE, as they mimic the uppermost epidermal layer of human


Life & Health Sciences 2019


Dr Yuri Dancik

LE STUDIUM Research Fellow


From: Agency for Science, Technology and

Research - SG

In residence at: Nanomedicines and

Nanoprobes (NMNS) - Tours

Nationality: American

Dates: October 2018 to June 2020

Yuri Dancik obtained his PhD in Chemical and

Biological Engineering from the State University

of New York at Buffalo in 2007. His main research

interests are understanding the physico-chemical

basis of chemical transport through skin and

applications in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and

toxicological science. In Buffalo, he developed

mathematical models of drug transport through

skin appendages. He worked at Procter & Gamble

(Brussels), developing in silico pharmacokinetic

methods for the prediction of skin sensitization and

systemic toxicity following cutaneous exposure.

From 2014 to 2018 Yuri was Senior Research

Fellow at the Institute of Medical Biology and the

Singapore Skin Research Institute. His colleagues’

and his efforts into the development and validation

of a novel microfluidic skin-on-chip platform were

recognized with a Global 3Rs Award.

Dr Franck Bonnier

Host scientist

Franck Bonnier obtained his PhD from the

Department of bio-spectroscopy for life sciences

as a member of the Médian CNRS group,

Université de Reims, France. Following his PhD,

he joined the FOCAS Research Institute, DIT in

2008 as a postdoctoral research engineer under

the National BioPhotonics and Imaging Platform,

Ireland, and as a member of the Biophotonics

and Imaging group specialised in the application

of biophotonics, especially Raman and Infrared

spectroscopy, in the biomedical field. In September

2014, Franck Bonnier joined the NMNS research

group at University of Tours (France) as associate

professor. The main field of expertise remains

the development of methodologies towards

implementation of spectroscopic techniques as

clinical screening tools for diagnostic or with a

particular focus on pharmaceutical and cosmetic


The development, characterization and use of RHE is an active area of

cosmetic and pharmaceutical R&D. Designed to replace animal tissues,

RHE are particularly useful for testing or screening new cosmetic

formulations and pharmaceutical topicals. To date, little is known on the

effects of common tissue storage conditions on the quality and in particular,

the barrier function, of RHE. Commercial RHEs are frequently cultured

and shipped in batches of 6 or 12 replicates. With testing and screening

applications often requiring large numbers of replicates, practical

knowledge on the effects of storage conditions is of significant value to

academic and industrial users.

The specific scientific goals are thus:

1. To investigate the impact of different storage conditions on the barrier

function of RHE. To this end, the penetration of resorcinol, a wellknown

cosmetic ingredient, in RHEs stored under different conditions

is tracked via confocal Raman spectroscopy.

2. To compare the spectroscopic results to resorcinol penetration data

obtained from a conventional, but more labor-intensive, diffusion

protocol performed in the RHE culture plates.

3. To assess how the information obtained by confocal Raman

spectroscopy complements that attained from the conventional

diffusion experiment.

In addition to answering a practical scientific question, the project is novel

in that it highlights confocal Raman spectroscopy as a method to assess

the barrier integrity of RHE.

The achievements to date are:

1. Optimisation of the conventional diffusion and Raman spectroscopy

experimental protocols of the spectroscopic data analysis (data preand


2. Acquisition of conventional diffusion and spectroscopic data for 6

different RHE storage methods and 3 different resorcinol formulations.

3. Analysis and interpretation of all conventional diffusion data. Raman

data analysis and drafting of a manuscript are ongoing.

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