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Dr Svetlana Eliseeva



Dr Svetlana V. Eliseeva is a permanent CNRS researcher working at the Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire in Orléans. She

moved in France in 2011 as a Le Studium Research Fellow then as a FP7 IEF Marie Curie Fellow (project DENDRIMAGE).

She graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), earning a PhD degree in inorganic

chemistry in 2006. In addition to different prestigious scholarships granted by educational and scientific organisations

in Russia, as well as from industrial companies, Dr Svetlana V. Eliseeva was awarded in 2011 the Scopus Award Russia

as «an author of the most significant and actual scientific publications in international literature in chemistry in 2010».

She is a recipient of the CNRS scientific excellence award (2019-2022) and a co-author of 95 papers in peer-review

journals, including 7 reviews and 2 book chapters (h-index: 31). She is an expert in lanthanide coordination chemistry

and spectroscopy with the current interest for the design of functional (nano) materials for near-infrared optical imaging

and energy conversion.



This Consortium brought together experts in different and complementary scientific fields, in particular synthetic

chemistry (organic and inorganic), physical chemistry, biology, clinical pharmacy, advanced spectroscopy, formulation

chemistry, microfluidics, imaging modalities in cells and small animals.

The goal was to pursue synergistically the common goal of creating new generations of near-infrared emitting imaging

agents suitable to solve important issues in medicine such as early-stage in vivo detection of cancer or fungal infections.

These imaging agents take advantage of the unique optical properties of lanthanide (III) ions combined with a

metallacrown (MC) scaffold and will be smartly formulated to address specific requirements of a particular application.

The meetings in Orléans were very productive and allowed deep, fruitful and constructive discussions to crystallize ideas

for the creation of near-infrared imaging agents of the future based on lanthanide metallacrowns, make them possible

to be applied for the real-time in vivo monitoring of drug delivery. The expertise of Prof. Carlos is highly useful for the

design of a new generation of nanothermometers allowing unprecedented perspectives for the monitoring of extremely

small temperature changes in cells associated to changes of metabolism (Manuscript in preparation).

Life & Health Sciences 2019

The expertise of Prof. Needham is essential for the formulation and functionalization of imaging agents in order to obtain

the required specificity and/or delivery the synthesized systems to the desired location. Another important achievement

is the design, synthesis and tests of energy upconverting MCs as well as dendrimers based on MCs (Provisional US

patent application filed: Lopez-Bermudez B., Pecoraro V.L., Petoud S., Eliseeva S.V., Dendritic Metallacrowns. Provisional

Patent Application, UMJ-228-B). The creation of dendritic macromolecules with dimeric MC core allowed to improve the

water solubility and biocompatibility of gallium(III)/lanthanide(III) MCs. Through the selective iodination of the core or of

bridging ligands forming the dimeric gallium(III)/lanthanide(III) MC structure, a new family of potential bimodal agents

suitable for combined NIR luminescence and X-ray computed tomography (XCT) imaging has been synthesized.

In addition, an application for an Innovative Training Networks (ITN) programme within H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie

Actions that brings together chemists, physicists, material scientists and biologists, as well as industrial partners from

United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Estonia and France which aims at the creation of the

optical imaging agents of the future will be submitted in the first days of 2020.


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