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Dr Zamir Libohova

United States Department of

Agriculture - Natural Resources

Conservation Service - US

Prof. Budiman Minasny

University of Sydney - AU

Dr Vera Leatitia Mulder

Wageningen University - NL

Dr Laura Poggio

International Soil Reference and

Information Centre - World Soil

Information - NL

Dr Pierre Roudier

Landcare Research - NZ


Articles in peer-reviewed journals

. Dharumarajan S., Kalaiselvi B., Suputhra A., Lalitha M., Hegde R., Singh S.K., Lagacherie

P. (2019). Digital soil mapping of key GlobalSoilMap properties in Northern Karnataka Plateau.

Geoderma Regional. 20.

. Loiseau, T., Chen, S., Mulder, V.L., Román Dobarco, M., Richer-de-Forges A.C., Lehmann, S.,

Bourenanne, H., Saby N.P.A., Martin, M.P., Vaudour, E., Gomez, C., Lagacherie, P., Arrouays D.

(2019). Satellite data integration for soil clay content modelling at a national scale. International

Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Vol. 82.

. Vaudour E., Gomez C., Loiseau T., Baghdadi N., Loubet B., Arrouays D., Ali L., Lagacherie P.

(2019). The Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance of Topsoil Organic Carbon

from Sentinel-2 for Croplands. Remote Sensing. 11 (18), 2143.

Articles in books and international newsletters

. Arrouays, D., Libohova, Z., Minasny, B., Mulder, V.L., Poggio, L., Roudier, P. 2020. The

consortium GLobAl Digital SOIL MAP (GLADSOILMAP). International Union of Soil Sciences

Bulletin. 135, 88-90. https://www.iuss.org/media/iuss-bulletin135_def.pdf

Earth, Ecology & Environment Sciences 2019


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