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whatever it is you’re going to throw at me.’

She closed the door carefully behind her, then sat down heavily on the end of

my bed and swore lustily. ‘I don’t bloody believe you.’

She shoved my legs so that I slid down the wall, ending up almost lying on the

bed. I pushed myself upright. ‘Ow.’

Her face was puce. ‘I don’t believe you. Mum’s in bits downstairs. Dad’s

pretending not to be, but he is too. What are they supposed to do about money?

You know Dad’s already panicking about work. Why the hell would you throw

away a perfectly good job?’

‘Don’t lecture me, Treen.’

‘Well, someone’s got to! You’re never going to get anything like that money

anywhere else. And how’s it going to look on your CV?’

‘Oh, don’t pretend this is about anything other than you and what you want.’


‘You don’t care what I do, as long as you can still go and resurrect your highflying

career. You just need me there propping up the family funds and providing

the bloody childcare. Sod everyone else.’ I knew I sounded mean and nasty but I

couldn’t help myself. It was my sister’s plight that had got us into this mess,

after all. Years of resentment began to ooze out of me. ‘We’ve all got to stick at

jobs we hate just so that little Katrina can fulfil her bloody ambitions.’

‘It is not about me.’


‘No, it’s about you not being able to stick at the one decent job you’ve been

offered in months.’

‘You know nothing about my job, okay?’

‘I know it paid well above the minimum wage. Which is all I need to know

about it.’

‘Not everything in life is about the money, you know.’

‘Yes? You go downstairs and tell Mum and Dad that.’

‘Don’t you dare bloody lecture me about money when you haven’t paid a

sodding thing towards this house for years.’

‘You know I can’t afford much because of Thomas.’

I began to shove my sister out of the door. I can’t remember the last time I

actually laid a hand on her, but right then I wanted to punch someone quite badly

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