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As we walked past the tourist car park I saw her glance under her brim at the

Traynors’ house. It stood, elegant and red-brick, its tall blank windows

disguising whatever life-changing drama was being played out in there, perhaps

even at this moment.

‘You could go and talk to him, you know,’ I said. ‘I’ll wait here for you.’

She looked at the ground, folded her arms across her chest, and we kept

walking. ‘There’s no point,’ she said. I knew the other bit, the bit she didn’t say

aloud. He’s probably not even there.

We did a slow circuit of the castle, watching Thomas roll down the steep parts

of the hill, feeding the ducks that by this stage in the season were so well stuffed

they could barely be bothered to come over for mere bread. I watched my sister

as we walked, seeing her brown back exposed by her halter-neck top, her

stooped shoulders, and I realized that even if she didn’t know it yet, everything

had changed for her. She wouldn’t stay here now, no matter what happened with

Will Traynor. She had an air about her, a new air of knowledge, of things seen,

places she had been. My sister finally had new horizons.

‘Oh,’ I said, as we headed back towards the gates, ‘you got a letter. From the

college, while you were away. Sorry – I opened it. I thought it must be for me.’

‘You opened it?’

I had been hoping it was extra grant money.

‘You got an interview.’

She blinked, as if receiving news from some long-distant past.

‘Yeah. And the big news is, it’s tomorrow,’ I said. ‘So I thought maybe we

should go over some possible questions tonight.’

She shook her head. ‘I can’t go to an interview tomorrow.’

‘What else are you going to do?’

‘I can’t, Treen,’ she said, sorrowfully. ‘How am I supposed to think about

anything at a time like this?’

‘Listen, Lou. They don’t give interviews out like bread for ducks, you eejit.

This is a big deal. They know you’re a mature student, you’re applying at the

wrong time of year, and they’re still going to see you. You can’t muck them


‘I don’t care. I can’t think about it.’

‘But you –’

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