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bit more than your dad was getting at the furniture factory.’

She was looking up at him like he was some kind of all-conquering hero. Her

face, when she turned to me, told me I should do the same. It could contain a

million messages, my mother’s face, and this one told me Dad should be allowed

his moment.

‘That’s great, Dad. Really.’ I stepped forward and gave him a hug.

‘Well, it’s really Will you should thank. What a smashing bloke. I’m just

bloody grateful that he thought of me.’

I listened to them leave the house, the sound of Mum fussing in the hall mirror,

Dad’s repeated reassurances that she looked lovely, that she was just fine as she

was. I heard him patting his pockets for keys, wallet, loose change, followed by

a brief burst of laughter. And then the door slammed, I heard the hum of the car

pulling away and then there was just the distant sound of the television in

Granddad’s room. I sat on the stairs. And then I pulled out my phone and rang

Will’s number.

It took him a while to answer. I pictured him heading to the hands-free device,

depressing the button with his thumb.


‘Is this your doing?’

There was a brief pause. ‘Is that you, Clark?’

‘Did you get my dad a job?’

He sounded a little breathless. I wondered, absently, whether he was sitting up


‘I thought you’d be pleased.’

‘I am pleased. It’s just … I don’t know. I feel weird.’

‘You shouldn’t do. Your dad needed a job. Mine needed a skilled maintenance


‘Really?’ I couldn’t keep the scepticism from my voice.


‘This has nothing to do with what you asked me the other day? About him and

the other woman?’

There was a long pause. I could see him there, in his living room, looking out

through the French windows.

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