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I can tell you the exact day I stopped being fearless.

It was almost seven years ago, in the last lazy, heat-slurred days of July, when

the narrow streets around the castle were thick with tourists, and the air filled

with the sound of their meandering footsteps and the chimes of the ever-present

ice cream vans that lined the top of the hill.

My grandmother had died a month previously after a long illness, and that

summer was veiled in a thin layer of sadness; it gently smothered everything we

did, muting mine and my sister’s tendencies to the dramatic, and cancelling our

usual summer routines of brief holidays and days out. My mother stood most

days at her washing-up bowl, her back rigid with the effort of trying to suppress

her tears, while Dad disappeared to work each morning with a grimly

determined expression, returning hours later shiny-faced from the heat and

unable to speak before he had cracked open a beer. My sister was home from her

first year at university, her head already somewhere far from our small town. I

was twenty and would meet Patrick in less than three months. We were enjoying

one of those rare summers of utter freedom – no financial responsibility, no

debts, no time owing to anybody. I had a seasonal job and all the hours in the

world to practise my make-up, put on heels that made my father wince, and just

generally work out who I was.

I dressed normally, in those days. Or, I should say, I dressed like the other

girls in town – long hair, flicked over the shoulder, indigo jeans, T-shirts tight

enough to show off our tiny waists and high breasts. We spent hours perfecting

our lipgloss, and the exact shade of a smokey eye. We looked good in anything,

but spent hours complaining about non-existent cellulite and invisible flaws in

our skin.

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