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‘Right now. And you’re not allowed to say Kilimanjaro. It has to be

somewhere I can imagine going myself.’

When Will’s face relaxed, he looked like someone quite different. A smile

settled across his face now, his eyes creasing with pleasure. ‘Paris. I would sit

outside a cafe in Le Marais and drink coffee and eat a plate of warm croissants

with unsalted butter and strawberry jam.’

‘Le Marais?’

‘It’s a little district in the centre of Paris. It is full of cobbled streets and

teetering apartment blocks and gay men and orthodox Jews and women of a

certain age who once looked like Brigitte Bardot. It’s the only place to stay.’

I turned to face him, lowering my voice. ‘We could go,’ I said. ‘We could do it

on the Eurostar. It would be easy. I don’t think we’d even need to ask Nathan to

come. I’ve never been to Paris. I’d love to go. Really love to go. Especially with

someone who knows his way around. What do you say, Will?’

I could see myself in that cafe. I was there, at that table, maybe admiring a

new pair of French shoes, purchased in a chic little boutique, or picking at a

pastry with Parisian red fingernails. I could taste the coffee, smell the smoke

from the next table’s Gauloises.


‘What?’ It took me a moment to drag myself away from that roadside table.


‘But you just told me –’

‘You don’t get it, Clark. I don’t want to go there in this – this thing.’ He

gestured at the chair, his voice dropping. ‘I want to be in Paris as me, the old me.

I want to sit in a chair, leaning back, my favourite clothes on, with pretty French

girls who pass by giving me the eye just as they would any other man sitting

there. Not looking away hurriedly when they realize I’m a man in an overgrown

bloody pram.’

‘But we could try,’ I ventured. ‘It needn’t be –’

‘No. No, we couldn’t. Because at the moment I can shut my eyes and know

exactly how it feels to be in the Rue des Francs Bourgeois, cigarette in hand,

clementine juice in a tall, cold glass in front of me, the smell of someone’s steak

frites cooking, the sound of a moped in the distance. I know every sensation of


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