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night-time routine. I had offered, but they both insisted I should ‘let my hair

down’ on my birthday. They plainly hadn’t met my parents.

At half past seven on the dot, I opened the door to find Will and Nathan in the

front porch. Will was wearing his smart shirt and jacket. I didn’t know whether

to be pleased that he had made the effort, or worried that my mum would now

spend the first two hours of the night worrying that she hadn’t dressed smartly


‘Hey, you.’

My dad emerged into the hallway behind me. ‘Aha. Was the ramp okay, lads?’

He had spent all afternoon making the particle-board ramp for the outside steps.

Nathan carefully negotiated Will’s chair up and into our narrow hallway.

‘Nice,’ Nathan said, as I closed the door behind him. ‘Very nice. I’ve seen worse

in hospitals.’

‘Bernard Clark.’ Dad reached out and shook Nathan’s hand. He held it out

towards Will, before snatching it away again with a sudden flush of

embarrassment. ‘Bernard. Sorry, um … I don’t know how to greet a … I can’t

shake your –’ He began to stutter.

‘A curtsy will be fine.’

Dad stared at him and then, when he realized Will was joking, he let out a

great laugh of relief. ‘Hah!’ he said, and clapped Will on the shoulder. ‘Yes.

Curtsy. Nice one. Hah!

It broke the ice. Nathan left with a wave and a wink, and I wheeled Will

through to the kitchen. Mum, luckily, was holding a casserole dish, which

absolved her of the same anxiety.

‘Mum, this is Will. Will, Josephine.’

‘Josie, please.’ She beamed at him, her oven gloves up to her elbows. ‘Lovely

to meet you finally, Will.’

‘Pleased to meet you,’ he said. ‘Don’t let me interrupt.’

She put down the dish and her hand went to her hair, always a good sign with

my mother. It was a shame she hadn’t remembered to take an oven glove off


‘Sorry,’ she said. ‘Roast dinner. It’s all in the timing, you know.’

‘Not really,’ Will said. ‘I’m not a cook. But I love good food. It’s why I have

been looking forward to tonight.’

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