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‘Yes,’ he said, quietly. ‘Yes, I did.’

We talked a bit longer, and then Will nodded off. I lay there, watching him

breathe, and occasionally wondering what he would say if he woke up and found

me staring at him, at his too-long hair and tired eyes and scraggy beginnings of a

beard. But I couldn’t move. The hours had become surreal, an island out of time.

I was the only other person in the house, and I was still afraid to leave him.

Shortly after eleven, I saw he had begun to sweat again, his breathing

becoming shallower, and I woke him and made him take some fever medication.

He didn’t talk, except to murmur his thanks. I changed his top sheet and his

pillowcase, and then, when he finally slept again, I lay down a foot away from

him and, a long time later, I slept too.

I woke to the sound of my name. I was in a classroom, asleep on my desk, and

the teacher was rapping a blackboard, repeating my name again and again. I

knew I should be paying attention, knew that the teacher would see this slumber

as an act of subversion, but I could not raise my head from the desk.




The desk was awfully soft. I opened my eyes. The words were being spoken

over my head, hissed, but with great emphasis. Louisa.

I was in bed. I blinked, letting my eyes focus, then looked up to find Camilla

Traynor standing over me. She wore a heavy wool coat and her handbag was

slung over her shoulder.


I pushed myself upright with a start. Beside me, Will was asleep under the

covers, his mouth slightly open, his elbow bent at right angles in front of him.

Light seeped in through the window; telling of a cold, bright morning.


‘What are you doing?’

I felt as if I had been caught doing something awful. I rubbed at my face,

trying to gather my thoughts. Why was I in here? What could I tell her?

‘What are you doing in Will’s bed?’

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