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washbag with the lemons on it. If I confronted her over any of it, she would just

shrug and say, ‘Well, you never use it,’ as if that were entirely the point.

That was Treena all over. She felt entitled. Even though Thomas had come

along, she had never quite lost that sense of being the baby of the family – the

deep-rooted feeling that the whole world actually did revolve around her. When

we had been little and she had thrown a huge strop because she wanted

something of mine, Mum would plead with me to ‘just let her have it’, if only for

some peace in the house. Nearly twenty years on, nothing had really changed.

We had to babysit Thomas so that Treena could still go out, feed him so that

Treena didn’t have to worry, buy her extra-nice presents at birthdays and

Christmas ‘because Thomas means she often goes without’. Well, she could go

without my bloody lemons washbag. I stuck a note on my door which read: ‘My

stuff is MINE. GO AWAY.’ Treena ripped it off and told Mum I was the biggest

child she had ever met and that Thomas had more maturity in his little finger

than I did.

But it got me thinking. One evening, after Treena had gone out to her night

class, I sat in the kitchen while Mum sorted Dad’s shirts ready for ironing.

‘Mum … ’

‘Yes, love.’

‘Do you think I could move into Treena’s room once she’s gone?’

Mum paused, a half-folded shirt pressed to her chest. ‘I don’t know. I hadn’t

really thought about it.’

‘I mean, if she and Thomas are not going to be here, it’s only fair that I should

be allowed a proper-sized bedroom. It seems silly, it sitting empty, if they’re

going off to college.’

Mum nodded, and placed the shirt carefully in the laundry basket. ‘I suppose

you’re right.’

‘And by rights, that room should have been mine, what with me being the

elder and all. It’s only because she had Thomas that she got it at all.’

She could see the sense in it. ‘That’s true. I’ll talk to Treena about it,’ she said.

I suppose with hindsight it would have been a good idea to mention it to my

sister first.

Three hours later she came bursting into the living room with a face like


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