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Will looked sideways at me, his face still carrying the mirth of the last few

moments. Okay, his expression said. We’re going to enjoy this.

The conductor stepped up, tapped twice on the rostrum, and a great hush

descended. I felt the stillness, the auditorium alive, expectant. Then he brought

down his baton and suddenly everything was pure sound. I felt the music like a

physical thing; it didn’t just sit in my ears, it flowed through me, around me,

made my senses vibrate. It made my skin prickle and my palms dampen. Will

hadn’t described any of it like this. I had thought I might be bored. It was the

most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

And it made my imagination do unexpected things; as I sat there, I found

myself thinking of things I hadn’t thought of for years, old emotions washing

over me, new thoughts and ideas being pulled from me as if my perception itself

were being stretched out of shape. It was almost too much, but I didn’t want it to

stop. I wanted to sit there forever. I stole a look at Will. He was rapt, suddenly

unselfconscious. I turned away, unexpectedly afraid to look at him. I was afraid

of what he might be feeling, the depth of his loss, the extent of his fears. Will

Traynor’s life had been so far beyond the experiences of mine. Who was I to tell

him how he should want to live it?

Will’s friend left a note asking us to go backstage and see him afterwards, but

Will didn’t want to. I urged him once, but I could see from the set of his jaw that

he would not be budged. I couldn’t blame him. I remembered how his former

workmates had looked at him that day – that mixture of pity, revulsion and,

somewhere, deep relief that they themselves had somehow escaped this

particular stroke of fate. I suspected there were only so many of those sorts of

meetings he could stomach.

We waited until the auditorium was empty, then I wheeled him out, down to

the car park in the lift, and loaded Will up without incident. I didn’t say much;

my head was still ringing with the music, and I didn’t want it to fade. I kept

thinking back to it, the way that Will’s friend had been so lost in what he was

playing. I hadn’t realized that music could unlock things in you, could transport

you to somewhere even the composer hadn’t predicted. It left an imprint in the

air around you, as if you carried its remnants with you when you went. For some

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