SandScript 2020

SandScript is published annually at the end of the spring semester. All works of prose, poetry, and visual art that appear in SandScript are created by students attending Pima Community College.

SandScript is published annually at the end of the spring semester. All works of prose, poetry, and visual art that appear in SandScript are created by students attending Pima Community College.


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Renee Terry

Phase one to befriending a

tarantula, be still. Phase two,

smile. Phase three, offer a flat hand for her

to investigate.

I slid soundlessly off the wooden

stoop by the tin door of the shed and

lowered my torso to rest on my forearms in

the sand. So pretty—the luxurious fur on

the spider’s legs and back spiked, as though

coated with a hair gel, and picked with a

comb; the rich copper, brown, and orange

colors on the body and legs. Such confidence

when she walked, keeping her eight graceful

legs in motion, no hurry, we’re cool.

“Hey, lady. Tonya?” I breathed gently,

lifting a soft waft of fuzz by her face and

looked for the witness mark of her slightly

shorter starboard leg. She must have lost

the appendage in a tussle a year or so ago.

Maybe the leg would be fully restored after

her next molting. “Not going to stop and say

good morning?”

Tonya’s butt lifted as she picked

up speed heading for her hole by the



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