SandScript 2020

SandScript is published annually at the end of the spring semester. All works of prose, poetry, and visual art that appear in SandScript are created by students attending Pima Community College.

SandScript is published annually at the end of the spring semester. All works of prose, poetry, and visual art that appear in SandScript are created by students attending Pima Community College.


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The Wet Dollhouse

Courtney Hayes Armstrong

My father carves every wooden shingle by hand

stands, never sits, a lonely night watchman on shift

shavings float down upon the Cabernet leather of his tasseled loafers

splinters wedge under his champagne and chardonnay thumbnails that dislodge inside the

cologne-infused pocket of his monogrammed shirt when he reaches for his shiny Zippo lighter

and he chips and chisels, the original square shapes not good enough for his only child, his doll,

or maybe it was the raw reality that leaving them as they were wouldn’t dare take up enough of

his sober time

So, he took the small silver hand saw and shaped each square into opulent, ornate diamonds


I remember his hands shaking like fireflies in a mason jar in a humid Crete, Illinois backyard

plagued with zips of energy that barely allowed him to hold the innocuous white bottles of

carpentry glue whose shape only reminded him of seductive glass that housed

salty scotch and frisky whiskey and brutal bitters and

how dry his mouth was

So, he licked the rim of his empty glass and the mockery of ice turned into lacy, liquid diamonds

I am the puppeteer

pretending to live inside the Merlot walls of the dollhouse

my clumsy, unforgiving fingers danced the doll up lush, paisley Pinot carpeted steps

porcelain legs held on by mere ribbons of fraying cloth and yet, somehow, she was still

more beautiful than I would ever be, and I could only, and simply, smile, as the watchman’s love

poured down my face

So, he wiped my cheek and kissed my tears and turned them into mystical, magical diamonds


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