The Vegas Voice 7-20

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July 2020


Live Entertainment in Las Vegas? Who

knows? I’d love to say that as of July 1,

shows are open. But you know the protocols

change according to the latest reports. It won’t

be like the old days.

I checked in with SPI Entertainment CEO Adam Steck, one of the

movers and shakers in the Vegas entertainment world. Human Nature

enjoyed four years at the Venetian but fell victim to the pandemic. But,

according to Steck, “Human Nature is not done. We are waiting for

some sort of normalcy, waiting to see how Vegas unfolds.”

Two of Steck’s other shows,

Thunder from Down Under

and the Australian Bee Gees

are scheduled to reopen July

15 th at the Excalibur but

double-check. Speck said,

“From a show perspective,

we are 100% ready to go at a

reduced capacity.”

He added that there will be

multiple sanitizer dispensers

in the theater, the rest rooms,

and the back of the house

where the performers are.

Spray disinfectants will be used

between shows. Performers

will be tested regularly.

Steck emphasized that, “We

What Will Be?

By: Dianne Davis / That’s Entertainment

Kelly Clinton

want customers to have the confidence that we have done everything

we can to make it the safest environment possible both on and off the

stage.” That attitude is echoed all over town.

Over at David Saxe Productions, Saxe reported that, “We plan on

and hope to reopen all of our shows as soon as the Governor allows us

to do so. We have been working hard during this downtime to develop

new safety measures, policies and procedures for our employees and


Saxe has also been busy writing and developing new content for

his shows and “I just hope that the Governor gives us as much notice

as possible (1 month) so we have time to implement everything. It’s

almost like starting from scratch.”

Kelly Clinton Holmes reports that shows are going on in the Piazza

Lounge at the Tuscany, but behind plexiglass. Performers are wearing

masks, sanitizers are available, and seating is at 50%.

In the meantime, check out shows that are online, including Kelly

and Lena Prima in “Coffee Time.”

And hang in there. This too shall pass.

Dianne Davis is also a reporter for Sun City Anthem TV (SCA-

TV) specializing in entertainment, and LV Associate Editor of

lasvegassplash.com. She hikes, travels with her husband Burt, and

works on her stand-up comedy.

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