The Vegas Voice 7-20

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Life’s a Funny Thing

By: Vicki Wentz / Vicki’s Voice

You know, life’s a funny thing. I was sitting

outside on our deck yesterday, overlooking the

mountains and thinking about that.. and other

huge and deep questions that I often have while

sitting on decks.

You know, like, why are we here? Or if no one is around, does a falling

tree really not make a sound? Or is there life on other planets (and

would they appreciate a “well-rounded” woman...just asking)?

And, yesterday, those intriguing questions led me to pondering

additional aphorisms that pertain to my life and may spark some

contemplation of your own. Because, although my genre is humor, never

let it be said that I shy away from life’s deeper issues!

For instance, if life is a “funny” thing, then why are there wars and

upheavals? I mean, shouldn’t we all wake up every morning laughing

hysterically - which should put a crimp in most folks’ assassination or

bombing plans?

Say you’re really offended by some asinine anarchist video... or simply

because your brother got the last Pop Tart (which he always does because

he’s a sissy mama’s boy) wouldn’t you just shrug it off and say, “Oh,

well...life IS a funny thing!”

Here’s another one: “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Okay, that’s fine, as far as it goes.

But, say you’re having a crummy day, dropping things, tripping,

forgetting stuff, and then you get your new bathing suit in the mail,

and it’s not only the wrong color AND size, but the entire frickin’ wrong

bathing suit!

So, filled with exasperation, you go to the kitchen to make lemonade,

but you have no lemons, so you make limeade (we are never out of limes

- please, it’s gin-and-tonic summer!) and as you’re finally pouring it into

a glass, you knock the glass off the counter, and as you try to catch your

glass before it hits the floor, you drop the pitcher into the sink, where it

shatters and all the limeade - and lots of glass - goes down the disposal

(not that I’ve ever done that) but, on this day, are you actually making

lemonade out of lemons (or, limeade out of

limes, as the case may be) or, will the whole

citrus event cause you to get your hatchet and

take out every fruit-bearing tree in a twentymile


And now my favorite adage: “Early to bed,

early to rise, makes a man (or woman - Ben

Franklin was so sexist!) healthy, wealthy and wise.” Okay, even in my

teen years, I was never one to go to bed late, and I was never allowed to

sleep late while growing up, so I continue to rise early to this day.

But, healthy? While my health is generally good, I remain severely

allergic to exercise of any kind. Sure, I enjoy a good water aerobics

class now and then (especially if they play country music) but weight

machines induce depressive thoughts, and just the sight of a treadmill

causes loss of consciousness.

Wealthy? I was a schoolteacher for 25 years, raising two children on my

own who thought they were entitled to food, clothing and shelter. Enough


And wise? Please. Right now, I’m getting ready to make another pitcher

of limeade and try to order the same bathing suit online again.

Vicki Wentz is a writer, teacher and speaker living in North

Carolina. Readers may contact her - and order her new children’s

book! - by visiting her website at www.vickiwentz.com.


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