When This Blows Over

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors. * "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down ** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors.

* "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down
** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up


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No doubt many people would prefer a candidate less steeped in

what Nick Clegg was once able to call “the old politics”. But

sometimes you have to concede that monopolies are hard to break

and that compromise is needed if you hope to do so.

The US has got to start somewhere in addressing its historic

problem with male hegemony.

I’m troubled myself by all the issues I have listed above. I’ve never

been a big Hillary fan. I don’t expect her to be the best president

ever. In my book, anything more than competence would be a

bonus. But who knows how many times really wonderful

presidential minds have remained entirely unrecognized because

the bodies that contained them also contained some ovaries? Men

and women must feel equally able to enter public life because it

doubles the possibility that splendid leaders will emerge. That’s

not feminism. That’s probability.

Gender bias – any identity bias – is a wanton waste of human

potential. The US has got to start somewhere in addressing its

historic problem with male hegemony and Clinton is the one

appointment that could kickstart the change most quickly and

strongly. That’s why the symbolic power of her appointment

transcends all else. Anyone who doesn’t understand that, in this

one respect, Clinton is an absolutely perfect presidential choice, is

simply refusing to acknowledge reality.

There is no perfect female candidate and there’s no more time to

wait for one. God knows, anyway, that the US has long enough

been happy to overlook its propensity for anointing imperfect

males. There is no choice between a woman laden with baggage

and a woman unencumbered with it. But there is an opportunity to

signal to all women, everywhere, that “anyone” can mean them.

Hillary Clinton is still standing after all these years. And that is

good enough.

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