When This Blows Over

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors. * "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down ** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors.

* "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down
** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up


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from the Washington Post article that is referenced -

"We define low-information voters as those who do not

know certain basic facts about government and lack

what psychologists call a “need for cognition."

Need for cognition is what I wonder about when

NFL linemen in a crucial third down jump off sides

because they forgot about that arcane and

complex rule.

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Somehow I'm reminded of the quote usually attributed to

John Kenneth Galbraith: "Faced with the choice between

changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do

so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof."

There's surely plenty of evidence that those with greater

cognitive ability use that ability to confirm and support their

existing views and not so much to question them.


Gathering "information" is often confused with "thinking".

People gather lots of information; some people more than

others. That gathering of information doesn't necessarily

correlate to lots of thinking.

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