When This Blows Over

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors. * "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down ** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors.

* "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down
** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up


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'Cause it obviously wouldn't work. 'Cause she wants to be President... Folks, it's

all fake. The bottom line is everything that you're seeing in the Clinton campaign

is fake. It's strategized, it's marketed, test marketed, focus grouped. It's scripted,

and the script is prepared every day in coordination with members of the media

who attend dinners with the Clinton campaign team, where they coordinate

strategy. It's all in the emails! And this is not the first day this news has come out

about the media.

They are co-conspirators in this. What we can infer is that Mrs. Clinton has not

been honest with us about why she wants to be president, otherwise they wouldn't

have spent $2 million over two years focus-grouping it.

Apparently, they all concluded the real reasons she wants to be President; we can't

go with those. Is it because she's entitled? Is it because the Democrats owe her for

what she did for Bill by standing by him? Is it because she's power mad? It's

because it's her turn? Is it because...? What? We don't know, because everything

we have been shown as to why Hillary wants to be President is the result of testing

and focus group research. In other words, it's phony. It's fake.

Can you imagine Trump doing focus group research to find out who to be? Can

you imagine Trump doing two years of test marketing and focus-grouping to find

out how he ought to behave? Hell, his advisers are telling him, "Stay on

message! Do not start defending yourself against these attacks!" And he says,

"Nope. I'm gonna do it." He's real. Whether you like it or not, there's nothing fake

or phony, and when you're talking Clintons, you are talking fake and phony and


Lydia: “Daddy, are people who see things and daydream, are they, well, normal?”

John: “No, they’re much better than that. Why, for heaven’s sake, they’re the artists, the poets,

the bums, the cream of society. They get a lot more out of life than normal people. For one thing,

they’re never lonely or cold or hungry,

because they’ve got their imagination to keep them warm and to keep them company. And, don’t

you believe for a minute that because they see things that you don’t, that those things aren’t


-My World and Welcome to It,

based, loosely, on the cartoons and writings of James Thurber

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