When This Blows Over

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors. * "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down ** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors.

* "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down
** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up


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After shouting at Mr. Weinstein for several minutes, according to Mr.

Vincent’s recollection of events, the protesters marched out of the

building and were met by campus police shortly thereafter.

“The students, fearful for their lives, began retreating towards the

library and ultimately ended up in the Trans & Queer Center/Unity

Lounge, trying to stay safe,” Mr. Vincent said in a Facebook post

Tuesday. “The white students were then delegated to spread out

throughout the library floor and watch for police potentially

surrounding the building.”

In order to keep the police out, the

students barricaded the entrances of the

library and seamlessly turned the retreat

into a political occupation. Demands


At a meeting between the administration and students later that day,

university President George S. Bridges said no students would be

punished for their involvement in the demonstrations, even before an

investigation into the matter.

“First and foremost, I want to state that there will be, as far as I

know, no charges filed against any students involved in actions that

occurred this morning,” Mr. Bridges said. “We will be conducting a major

review, an investigation of all that occurred and will be reporting back

to you, the campus community, about exactly what happened, why it

happened and what we intend to do about the incident —

not the incident, excuse me, the actions that were taken, both

students, staff and faculty involved.”

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