When This Blows Over

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors. * "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down ** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors.

* "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down
** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up


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Among other strategic and tactical triumphs, Trump is exhibiting in pulsing

neon colors the contemporary political parallel universes of Common-Sense

America and Conventional Wisdom Establishment. *Common Sense*

*America is, and has been for some time been, so over the incompetent,*

*posturing national politicians as well as their irrelevant agenda issues and*

*their counterproductive policies. They are aching for candidates with*

authenticity who will address their everyday concerns. AND do not presume

a preference for their common sense world makes them redneck philistines.

Further, he is exposing the multiple fallacies of CW Establishment politics, to

wit: appealing to nontraditional GOP voters requires narrow and corrupt

Identity Politics tactics; message resonance demands mandatory acceptance

of any and all CW Politically Correct premises, including gratuitous, phony,

solicitous kowtowing to the media; that strict avoidance of

establishmentarian “third rail” issues is political kamikaze.

Once he gets to the debates, he will have to connect his bombastic

iconoclastic antics to authentic policy prescriptions, as well as demonstrate

his potential effectiveness by past performance metrics

Bottom line: he will not blow up, but could pump up overly-reserved


‘He is the voice of the GOP. Hell, he’s even the hair of the


By Paul Begala, political analyst for CNN and counselor to President Bill


When it comes to Mr. Trump, I know this: he reflects the views of today’s

Republican Party. Here’s proof: 64 percent of Republicans agree with the

broader statement that, “President Obama is hiding important information

about his background and early life.” And 34 percent of Republicans go fullon

birther: saying 34% of Republicans think it’s likely that president Obama

is not a US citizen; that he was not born in America (Fairleigh Dickinson

Univ. poll, Dec., 2014). This, of course, is an issue Mr. Trump has

highlighted. 68 percent of Republicans say Mr. Trump is right on

immigration. (Fox News poll, July 17, 2015). This was after he said those

rather, umm, controversial things about Mexican immigrants. 22 percent of

Republicans even agree with his hateful attack on John McCain—saying

McCain was not a war hero (PPP Poll 7/22/15).

Mr. Trump is the face of the GOP: angry, white and male. He is the

voice of the GOP. Hell, he’s even the hair of the GOP.

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