When This Blows Over

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors. * "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down ** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up

The Founding Fathers share an unsafe space with a large crowd of passionate and hysterical keyboard warriors.

* "Skate Around" & "Zoom" > click page, look down
** "Full Screen" & "Page Overview" > click page, look up


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mutatis mutandis : another abstraction, that has linguistic merit when

used properly (here) and contractual merit when not used lazily (in

some legal documents)...

essentially, “look at the topic in question and carry it forward into

the current circumstances, making any obvious, clarifying and

necessary changes”

nepotistic : displaying favoritism in filling competitive / plum positions

nihilism : negativism, anarchism, emptiness

obdurate : inflexible

prescient : perceptive, prophetic

pro-forma : as a matter of form or politeness

putative : presumed, acknowledged

rent : divided

sophistic : wise, scholarly (but with an implied element of deceit)

straw man

ˌstrô ˈman / noun

1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition or narrative that is set up because it is

easier to defeat / discredit than an opponent's real argument.

"Her familiar procedure of creating a straw man to cover her tracks, while temporarily

effective, continues to engender no long-term allegiance, admiration or respect"

2. a person regarded as having no substance or integrity.

sub-rosa : done in secret

supercilious : condescending

venal : indicating susceptibility to bribery

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