VV_December 2020

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Village Voice December 2020/January 2021



Tylers Green Middle School

Dear Village Voice,

Since the last edition, I am very pleased to say

that TGMS has continued to provide

uninterrupted education for our pupils. Despite

a second lockdown nationally, I am delighted

that the importance of school has been

recognised and we are able to remain open. The

role of schools in supporting families, and

especially the children, with mental health and

wellbeing has become very apparent and at TG

Middle School we have put this at the heart of

our recover, rejuvenate, relearn approach.

From the softer starts at the beginning of the

school day to the wellbeing time every day, our

curriculum is designed to allow some breathing

space for our children (and staff). With mental

health in mind (and having some fun!) on 9th

October I encouraged all of TGMS to wear

mufti, instead of school uniform to wear

something that makes you feel happy. This was

to mark World Mental Health Day (WMHD) on

Saturday 10th October. Voluntary donations

were collected for the local charity

Buckinghamshire Mind and TGMS Raised

£235.97. As a result of this fundraising we

arranged for Buckinghamshire Mind to deliver

a school assembly for our Year cohort.

Unfortunately, this was one of the events that

needed to be cancelled when lockdown 2 arose.

At TGMS, we love dressing up

and this year we took part in

Children In Need. We invited

the children and staff to

wear mufti, with a ‘bear’

theme. Various

competition and

activities were planned

which involve home, including decorating a

cupcake and designing a bear in class. We had a

selection of prizes with a Pudsey theme

awarded in our virtual assembly. Our Friday

assemblies are included on our school website,

should you wish to look.

In line with the national advice, we have not

been able to offer open days or face-to-face

parent consultations. We highly value

communication with parents and so have

offered virtual consultations this term with each

child’s class teacher through a system called

School Cloud. Feedback so far has indicated

that this has been really worthwhile.

If your child is due to move up to junior

school in September 2021, applications should

be made by parents by 15th January 2021, at the

latest. Instead of open days this year, we have

created a virtual tour and also would ask parents

to look at our website under admissions where

there is further information about joining Year 3

at TGMS. Vanessa Pinkney, Headteacher

Tylers Green First School

It was wonderful to welcome all of our children

into school full time in September and to be

re-united as a school family once more. Even

22 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

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