The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere (1)

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the wrong person, in a bad relationship, or holding on to situations way

longer than you should. Being blind to nonsense is detrimental to your

spiritual and emotional sanctity.

Lastly, not healing from your past stops you from exuding positive

energy. Positive energy is necessary to attract the great relationship you

seek. Let’s be honest here, although you may be a good or a great woman,

it doesn’t mean you’re a positive one. If you’re not positive, trust and

believe you will struggle to attract and embrace the right man. However,

you will have no problem attracting men who only want sex and will waste

your time. Those guys don’t care about negative energy. Their only

concern is how you look, what they can get out of you, and what ways they

can take advantage of you.

For the man who genuinely seeks a true relationship, when he sees or

senses the negative energy it will push him away and turn him off. Or,

he’ll assume he’s a bother, not welcomed in your presence, and will walk

away. It’s imperative you do what’s necessary to get the healing you need

to embrace and attract the love that’s for you.

#2 – Finding Your Purpose

I know a lot of this sounds easier said than done; however, it still needs

to happen. If you don’t know where you’re going, you won’t know who

belongs with you on that path. Aside from that, you won’t find your true


In the previous section, I discussed how being positive, exuding that

energy, and healing yourself is essential.However, what contributes greatly

to this is being happy. You have to do things you enjoy and find a career

that speaks to your heart, so that you radiate this great energy. Although

the process of getting there may be a struggle, there’s a sense of peace that

comes from within when you know you're on the right path. The comfort

of knowing who you are and what you’re meant to do is essential. You

don’t want to end up in a relationship and realize the man you’re with

doesn’t cosign, feel comfortable, or agree with the path God has for you.

That strain will set you back and keep you from fully embracing who you


There are plenty of women, right now, who aren’t walking in their

purpose because they’re trying to walk with the wrong man. He is holding

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