The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere (1)

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difficult, and soon, not advised to make the attempt. This topic alone is

delicate; however, many of you may not be facing this yet. The more you

become antsy and focus on time, the less focus you place on what you

should be doing which would accelerate the time to accomplish your

goals. You may get there sooner than you think if you keep your eye on the

prize. If you have approached the time where it gets a bit uncertain, I don’t

have a quick and simple answer, but I will encourage you to pray. I’ve seen

women accomplish childbirth at ages they didn’t believe would work.

Each situation is different.

Whether it’s having babies or being married, don’t put unnecessary

pressure on yourself. Focus on what you need to do to reach the finish line.

Lastly, if you’re dealing with outside pressure, I could easily tell you to

go around and slap everyone, tell them to shut up and leave you alone;

however, that’s not going to fix anything or give you the peace you need.

I want you to know you have to be more transparent and honest when

people bring up the subject. Let them know how it makes you feel when

they continue to badger you. Don’t just shut down when they start going in

your ear, particularly when it’s parent or someone close to you. Don’t let

them ramble off and suck it up, despite knowing it bothers you and how it

makes you feel. You need to communicate how it’s getting under your

skin, so they understand the negative impact it has on you with the

constant pressure and badgering.

It’s important you express yourself in a positive and loving manner.

They need to understand they have to fall back. Also, when they ask why

you’re still single, give an honest answer (Need help? visit

www.thereasonwhyimsingle.com). When you give a BS answer, you only

open the door for them to keep pushing because they sense the BS. They’ll

rattle of, “oh, that doesn’t make any sense,” “no, that can’t be it,” and now

they want to push harder, dig further— be honest. I’m still working on

some things, be honest.

I haven’t healed from my past, be honest. You know what, I have

someone in my life but I’m a little scared of the situation. Transparency

will help you. Although I can’t guarantee every person will stop, I am

confident they will at least slow down.

One more time, you cannot settle.

It is unacceptable.

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