The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere (1)

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Now with that said, I’m going to reiterate some things we discussed in

Chapter 3 about building man. You are not here to save this man. More

specifically, you are not here to save him while attempting to enter into a

romantic relationship.

Remember, being friends is the acceptable option while he’s in his

stage of growth. It may be your friendship that helps him get closer to

God. You may encourage him, be the light that leads in him the right

direction; however, none of this needs to happen within the dynamic of a

romantic relationship.

When the wrong man realizes this is all you want, as long as he plays

the role, he may play along to continue to reap the benefits of a

relationship with you. Even those who aren’t serious about God can

attempt to play the role without truly having to meet the standards

necessary to be in a relationship with you. As I mentioned in Chapter 3,

this is where you get distracted, lose focus, and divert off the prize that is

your path and purpose. You become so caught up in saving this man, you

don’t recognize it’s pulling you further away from God, and damaging you

in the process.

That’s not your job.

Again, always go to God. Always ask Him and be open to the role He

wants you to play. However, I’m pretty sure within this context, it’s not

going to be a romantic one. Know that if a man has not reached a point

where he loves God, then it’s not time to be with him, or align yourself

with him in that manner.

You have to be patient and know that this is not guy for you, or this is

not the time. Your season in his life may just be a temporary one, or you

may not belong there at all.

Keep your eyes open.

Make sure your love and focus for God doesn’t waver or becomes

impacted by your desire for a man. The man who loves God will not pull

you from that path. He will encourage you to remain on it, grow stronger

in it, and for you two to grow together in becoming and being in the

position that God wants for you both in life.

A whole man wants a whole woman.

Let that marinate for a second.

As a matter of fact, let me repeat it for you, a whole man wants a whole

woman. You desire a man that is well rounded and well put together, so

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