The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere (1)

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So even if he acts the part, what is he producing? It’s the same as I

mentioned in Chapter 4, do his actions and his words align?

Again, you have to be in tune with your own spirit and be willing to

pray for that discernment so you can see this guy is not for real and he’s

not who he proclaims himself to be. This leads to the part of being

unequally yoked.

A lot of people have different perceptions on what it means to be

equally yoked. Again, I’m no biblical scholar and I don’t have a perfect

understanding of every concept from the Bible or from God; however,

what I believe is that you and the other person have to be on the same


Don’t confuse this with doing things the same. We may not all worship

the same, know all scriptures like the next person, or be as strong in

reciting prayer, but we are both willing to head on the path towards God

and put Him first. That has to be in place.

It’s essential because many people try to overlook or downplay the

importance of being equally yoked, and sharing the same values.

Problems will occur when you start a relationship with someone who’s

unequally yoked. It may be OK for you in the beginning. It may not be

until after the first few months or years before you start to see a clash.

How intense you two clash will depend on how strong your walk is with

God compared to how off it is with theirs. However, in time, it will

become a problem.

I’ll never forget one couple who were both believers, one was

Methodist and the other Jehovah’s Witnesses. They had a difference of

opinion when it came to their child receiving medical treatment. If their

child was in a car accident and needed a blood transfusion, the person who

is Jehovah’s Witnesses does not believe in or accept blood transfusions,

while the one who is Methodist does. To someone on the outside looking

in, that may not be a big deal. What’s the chances of that happening?

Thing is it’s not even about the chance of it happening, it’s about these

two people not being able to be on the same page when a certain issue

arises. A disagreement like this could create long lasting damage on the

relationship. This is when everything would fall apart.

Here’s a simpler example. Let’s say you get with someone who

believes in God but he doesn’t care for church and is a passive believer so

to speak. You on the other hand are very serious about church and your

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