The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere (1)

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one that stuck by him. But guess what? He’s not really in love with her. Lo

and behold, it’s not a surprise they’re having issues. It’s not a surprise that

he’s contemplating leaving. You don’t want him to choose you because

you happen to be there when he decided to wake up.

Second, it’s not likely for him to just wake up one day and want it. It’s

a gradual progression, something he’s thought about, and may very well

think about even when he’s with you. But again, as

I mentioned previously, his whole “I don’t know what I want” or “I’m

not ready” spiel is just a disguise for I don’t see YOU as the one. Again

this is not to hurt your feelings, it’s to help you understand that you don’t

belong there. And to be honest, there’s nothing wrong with him not seeing

you as the “one” because he’s not the one for you.

All you need to do is search deep within yourself, go to God, examine

the red flags, and address all the issues to come to a clear conclusion that

he isn’t the guy for you, and you’re better off walking away.

Don’t fall into the trap of waiting until he’s ready.

Many times the woman who waits, ends up being the one who wakes

up one day, and watches him leave to go be with someone else. He goes

and marries some other woman. He tells you he’s not ready for marriage,

tells you he’s not ready for a relationship, then three months later…


He’s engaged.

Clearly being ready was not the issue, he just didn’t choose you.

Again, for some of you, I know this hurts to hear.

I understand, but it’s necessary that I speak this truth. It’s kind of like

medicine you need that tastes really bad, but is good for you in the end.

You’ll feel so much better after you digest it, accept it, and move forward.

Don’t get caught up in the idea of waiting until he’s ready.

Don’t Let Mixed Signals Distract You

The next issue is mixed signals.

A lot of men confuse the hell out of you and it makes no sense. They

say, I don’t want a girlfriend, but behave like a boyfriend. They say, I don’t

want commitment but want to regulate who you talk to or who you

entertain—it gets downright confusing.

They want cuddle and do all this sweet stuff, but when you ask where

this is going, then he’s like, “whoa, slow up, you’re moving too fast! What

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