The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere (1)

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Still, I can hear some of you saying, but looks fade, looks go away.

Why should we be so concerned with attraction and looks? Again, looks

are only physical, while attraction refers to the interest and the like of the

entire package, not just the parts.

Older couples are perfect examples.

Even though their looks may have faded as society sees, when they see

each other they still recognize the subtleties and nuances that made them

beautiful to each other. That’s what fueled the attraction to their partner.

Know that there’s a difference between aging, letting yourself go, and not

having the desire or attraction to someone from the beginning.

Saying looks fade is not an excuse to overlook it.

Money comes and goes, are you going around looking for a broke man

right now? Health fades, are you going to the ER to find a date? No!

You’re not doing any of that, so don’t give me this “looks fade” stuff. The

issue is still impactful to your situation. It doesn’t go away or allow itself

to be overlooked with the belief you’ll still be able to have this happy,

glorious, wonderful relationship, regardless of its absence. You can’t be in

denial about that. You can’t run away from that truth. You have to be

honest with yourself about what you can handle and not try to ignore it

simply to appease other people wanting you in a relationship. Or because

you feel your clock is ticking, you rush and get with a man who’s mediocre

or “safe” because you don’t believe you have time to wait for the “right”


Or …

You don’t trust being with someone you’re overly attracted to, or the

guy you consider “too good looking.” I can’t tell you how many women I

come across who fear being with a really good looking guy.

For just as many women who love being with a man other women

desire, there’s just as many who fear it. It’s clear there is a deeper issue

that needs to be addressed and not simply think the solution is, “let me get

with a guy who just doesn’t look that good.”

It’s OK if the guy doesn’t fit the profile you would’ve desired if you

made your own list; however, if you are not genuinely attracted to him,

you should not move forward, and know this is not who God sent you. He

wants your relationship to glorify Him. How does this happen if there’s a

lack of affection, respect, effort, and desire?

This doesn’t reflect well upon God.

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