Janoschka magazine Linked_V6_2021

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e d i t o r i a l

issue #6 ©

l i n k e d


Dear Reader,

The world has changed dramatically since we proudly

launched our LINKED magazine five years ago. Alongside

many other things, the pandemic has taught us to

completely rethink customer relations. Social distancing

rules and contact restrictions were previously alien

concepts. Digital communication demands a lot from us

and, at the same time, the personal touch always seems

to fall short. Precisely because this situation is ubiquitous

and currently dominates our lives, we can lose sight of

everything else all too easily.

With this in mind, we wanted this sixth edition of LINKED

to sharpen our awareness of the things that enrich our

lives – both large and small. We have cast the net very

wide: LINKED#6 describes the long journey a little bean

makes and how it undergoes sophisticated processing

before we are able to enjoy one of the many varieties of

hot, aromatic coffee.

This edition highlights the wide range of formats and materials

that perfectly meet the diverse demands packaging

needs to fulfil – and it illustrates how some of these types

of packaging help make brands instantly recognisable.

LINKED also includes a report on gold, describing the endless

fascination this element exerts on us and how even

the tiniest amount of it can add a touch of elegance.

You will discover how all these topics tie in with our multifaceted

world of printing and brands. As ever, we want

LINKED to be a source of information and entertainment –

all from Janoschka and Linked2Brands.

On that note, I wish you an enjoyable read.


Alexander Janoschka

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