LSB September 2021 LR

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R U Ok? U R not alone<br />

and U R not a robot…<br />


This year on “R U Ok? Day” (9<br />

<strong>September</strong>) you might like to consider<br />

that the answer to this question is not a<br />

simple “yes” or “no”. Nor is the answer<br />

the same across time.<br />

Some days the words of an angry or<br />

aggressive client are like water off a duck’s<br />

back. Other days they feel like quicksand<br />

in which we become stuck.<br />

Working with people who are facing<br />

some of the biggest challenges of their<br />

lives is a privilege. But we must also<br />

recognise that it is a burden too. It can<br />

drain you, leave you worried about the<br />

welfare of your client, even worried about<br />

your own safety when dealing with that<br />

person.<br />

We must have individual and workplace<br />

strategies for prevention and protection<br />

as well as mechanisms which kick in when<br />

things R not ok.<br />

We know this is important because<br />

nearly 40% of us recently reported that<br />

working in the legal profession has a<br />

negative impact on our mental wellbeing<br />

and the same percentage reported feeling<br />

unable to cope at work within the last year. 1<br />

Why might the answer be “no”?<br />

It is certainly true that one client<br />

may be more distressed or demanding<br />

than another. And some content is more<br />

confronting than average. But most often<br />

I find that if I am struggling to manage<br />

something at work, it is more about other<br />

circumstances.<br />

Did I sleep poorly the night<br />

before? Had I already dealt with several<br />

challenging situations that day that left my<br />

reserves low? Had I been physically unwell<br />

lately and so feeling more fragile? Were<br />

there stressors at home?<br />

(Side note: The reality is that 70% of<br />

us identify non-work factors which have a<br />

significant impact on our mental wellbeing<br />

– family and caring responsibilities top the<br />

list followed by perfectionist personality<br />

traits and financial stress.)<br />

And of course, things can get into a bit<br />

of a vicious cycle: 75% of us experienced<br />

disrupted sleep due to work during the<br />

last year and poor sleep can reduce our<br />

resilience especially if it is a chronic issue.<br />

There is no shame in our humanness.<br />

Rather, it is what enables us to connect<br />

with our clients and colleagues. But until<br />

we can admit to each other that today is<br />

not an ok day, we are left to struggle on<br />

our own.<br />

If someone asks you, “R U Ok?”<br />

Remember, U R not a robot. This isn’t<br />

a “computer says no” auto-pilot moment.<br />

Sometimes the answer to the question<br />

is a resounding “no”. When things<br />

continue to be not ok day after day, and<br />

when we feel alone and as though we<br />

are a burden for not being ok… Well,<br />

that is when we are most at risk of doing<br />

something we cannot bounce back from.<br />

And this is a reality we must get better<br />

at talking about since we know that each<br />

day eight Australians die by suicide 2 . Yes,<br />

that is more than double the road toll.<br />

Research suggests that lawyers are<br />

at even higher risk than the general<br />

population. So, if you’re having a hard<br />

time U R certainly not alone.<br />

In the recent Law Society Wellbeing<br />

Survey, 17 of our peers admitted to having<br />

suicidal thoughts and nearly half admitted<br />

to having negative or depressed thoughts.<br />

If U R not OK today…<br />

• Can you find a colleague, family<br />

member or friend to talk to?<br />

• Are there some self-care activities you<br />

could step up like getting an early night<br />

or making time for a lunchtime walk?<br />

(75% of us picked exercise as one of<br />

our most effective coping strategies)<br />

• Could you delegate or reschedule some<br />

of your commitments to cut yourself<br />

some slack?<br />

If U R not OK, and that feeling has<br />

been lingering, it might be time to contact<br />

one of the many support services available<br />

to you such as:<br />

• Law Care – free and confidential<br />

counselling available through the Law<br />

Society<br />

• Your GP or psychologist<br />

• Your Employee Assistance Program (if<br />

you have one)<br />

• Lifeline (13 11 14) or Beyond Blue<br />

• The Suicide Call-back Service<br />

We must learn that this doesn’t make<br />

us weak. It doesn’t make us incapable of<br />

being good lawyers. It just means we are<br />

humans and not robots.<br />

Unfortunately, these ideas persist.<br />

A huge number of survey respondents<br />

reported varying concerns they would<br />

have about disclosing any struggles to their<br />

employer ranging from not being believed<br />

through to fear of it negatively impacting<br />

upon their career.<br />

So maybe this year, when we ask<br />

each other “R U Ok?” we can start a<br />

bigger conversation, one that continues<br />

throughout the year as life takes us on its<br />

inevitable ups and downs.<br />

If you are interested in hosting an<br />

event at your work, or want to learn more<br />

about having R U Ok? Day conversations,<br />

you can check out the R U Ok? Day<br />

website.<br />

Endnotes<br />

1 Law Society of South Australia Individual<br />

Lawyer Wellbeing Survey <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

2 https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/<br />

mental-health-and-suicide-prevention/suicide-inaustralia<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2021</strong> THE BULLETIN 19

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