Hopwood & Heywood March 2022

Hopwood & Heywood March 2022

Hopwood & Heywood March 2022

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From The Archives


As early as 1598 the government

decreed that parishes throughout

England had to oversee their own

poor and provide parish houses

for those who could not support

themselves and their families

through work.

Poor relief in the years following, further

reinforced the responsibility of the parish

through its townships for the poor by

providing shelter and employment.

However, this national arrangement

became too expensive, costing £2 million

pounds to the Exchequer in 1784 but

£7 million pounds by 1832. Something

had to change and the New Poor Law

of 1834 shifted onus and responsibility

by recommending that those unable to

survive through employment should go to

the workhouse and do menial work there,

the place being administered by local

workhouse unions. Although shelter, basic

food and employment would be found in

the workhouse, they became unpopular as

conditions in them was far from pleasant.

However, by 1850 most towns in Britain

had workhouses.

Rochdale was no exception, its Poor Law

Union forming in 1837 in the face of much

delaying opposition from local ratepayers

led by Alderman Thomas Livsey who called

for a boycott of the election of workhouse

Guardians on the grounds that workhouses

were becoming ‘prisons for the poor’

and where inmates were divided by age

Delaying tactics worked only temporarily

however, so the protesters decided to put

up their own candidates for Guardians who,

once elected would refuse to attend crucial

Board meetings. The fight continued as

people in the town were fiercely opposed to

the Poor Law Amendment Act, Rochdale’s

first MP, John Fenton, losing his seat after

he voted in favour of the law. However,

after many legal threats and further delays

the Poor Law Union Act was implemented

in the town and workhouses for some

time afterwards catered (through periods

of boom and bust in the textile industries)

for many hundreds of people so that by

the mid-19th century under the Poor Law,

Rochdale had workhouses in Spotland

on Primrose Street (100 places), Marland

off Marland Old Road (50, later 300)

Hollingworth on Syke Lane (58),

Calf Hey near Wardle Fold (30) and at

Wardleworth (24).

Over the years and due to gradual

overcrowding and very poor conditions

in the workhouses, the local Poor Law

Guardians looked to find an alternative

to the Spotland, Hollingworth and

Wardleworth workhouses. The one at

Spotland in particular was in such a parlous

state structurally that part of it collapsed

possibly due to coal mine subsidence under

its foundations. Even though it was patched

up temporarily it stayed open for a number

of years during the late 1860’s, ‘lunatics

and imbeciles’ according to Spotland

Township minutes, ‘being kept in that

part of the building which had given way.’

and gender.


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