Diplomatic World_69

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Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jan DE MAERE<br />

Giorgio Vasari opens his biography about the Italian Renaissance<br />

painter and architect, the ‘divine’ Raphael (1483-1520), by<br />

describing his multifarious wide-ranging talents and astonishing<br />

achievement:’ The liberality with which Heaven now and again<br />

unites in one person the inexhaustible riches of its treasures and<br />

all those graces and rare gifts which are usually shared among<br />

many over a long period, is seen in Raphael Sanzio of Urbino’.<br />

At the time, such a genial versatility was not uncommon, but his<br />

eye for the most talented collaborators and craftsmen to follow<br />

his designs was unerringly flawless and underpinned his astonishing<br />

organized productivity. His talent for delegation of creation<br />

and quality control in his studio guaranteed its exceptional varied<br />

output. He was a collector, an antiquarian, the superintendent<br />

of Rome’s antiquities, imagining the graphic reconstruction of<br />

Ancient Rome. Without the Roman experience, Raphael would<br />

not have become the revered figure who came to dominate<br />

centuries of Western art.<br />

came the hero of the Poussinists, who believed, as Raphael did,<br />

in the Platonic idea of the existence of ‘a mind-born ideal form<br />

related to a higher level of understanding’, seen as a shadow of<br />

the ‘anima’ (Plato, Allegory of the Cave). Therefore, they considered<br />

colour only as a decorative addition to ‘disegno’, lines<br />

to depict ideal form. Charles Le Brun was their leader. His hero<br />

was Raphael and in the same line of thought, the syphilis ridden<br />

Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665), whose stoical-intellectual work<br />

exemplified this philosophy, based on the ideal of classical Form<br />

in Antiquity. Poussin’s cold approach contrasted strongly with the<br />

fine sensibility and delicate intimacy of Raphael’s series of ‘Virgin<br />

and Child’, as a feminine ideal of grace and beauty in the line of<br />

these in Petrarch’s poems. Also, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres<br />

(1780-1867) brought to the fore the abstract clarity of classical<br />

form in his ‘Vow of Louis XIII’ (1824, Musée Ingres, Montauban).<br />

Even if ‘disegno’ was the base of Raphael’s art, it was imbedded<br />

in his universal genius.<br />

La Donna Velata, detail, canvas 82 x 60,5 cm (c. 1513-14) © Palazzo Pitti inv 1912 n° 245<br />


The Rubenists believed that colour, not drawing, was superior as<br />

it was closer to nature. They prioritised the depiction of nature<br />

and strong emotional expression over the imitation of classical<br />


towards his upbringing as the son of a court painter in Urbino.<br />

It addressed the different influences which shaped his style, his<br />

In a 20-year career, harnessed to a fierce ambition, he reshaped<br />

art. They argued that painting should deceive the eye and en-<br />

Two exhibitions shed new light on Raphael’s genius. One in<br />

admiration for artists such as Perugino, Masaccio, Donatello,<br />

Western art more than any other artist before and since. Raphael<br />

gage the senses of all. In the early 18th century, this had revolu-<br />

2020 braved the pandemic but it had to close after 4 days in the<br />

della Robia, and Leonardo (as we see in Raphael’s ‘Dame with<br />

himself is blameless for the dull sterility, often expressed in the<br />

tionary political connotations as their art addressed everybody’s<br />

Scuderia del Quirinale (Rome). It focused on the triumph of his<br />

a Unicorn’), and his talented roster of pupils working under his<br />

academic tradition by his followers over centuries.<br />

emotion and not only that of an elite. It challenged the idea that<br />

Roman years and was completed by an exhibition in the Galleria<br />

command. In London, the curators applied a strict timeline and<br />

had held sway since the Raphael’s time that painting, as an’ Ars<br />

dell’ Uffizi (Firenze) with a broader perspective. In Rome, the<br />

concentrated only on Raphael’s own creative design and the way<br />

Rubens and Raphael created unique, instantly recognisable<br />

liberalis’, could only be appreciated by the well-educated mind.<br />

exhibition opened with a life-size facsimile of Raphael’s tomb in<br />

how he delegated creation. From his youth on, he always made<br />

paintings. The two artists, separated from each other by a cen-<br />

the Pantheon, built with cutting-edge technologies and destined<br />

drawings for paintings by other artists and artisans. His well-<br />

tury, might not at first seem comparable, but both were analo-<br />

The debate was about whether it was acceptable to paint<br />

to find a home in Urbino”. It bears the inscription: “Here lies<br />

planned elegant drawings of exceptional quality and their con-<br />

gous thinkers and had comparable working methods and studio<br />

purely in order to give pleasure to the viewer without the nobler<br />

Raphael, by whom nature herself feared to be outdone while he<br />

nection with the final work, give a stunning insight in the complex<br />

organization. The different stages in both artists’ development<br />

purposes typical of a ‘history’ painting. In 1672, Charles Le<br />

lived, and when he died, feared that she herself would die”.<br />

mind of this all-time great.<br />

are a result of travel and exposure to novelty. Raphael’s career<br />

Brun, Chancellor of the French Academy, held the argument that<br />

can be seen in three geographical moves: Urbino/Siena/Perugia<br />

(1483-1504); Florence (1504-08); and finaly Rome (1508-20).<br />

Rubens’ work develops in a similar phases of travel, exposure<br />

“the function of colour is to satisfy the eyes, whereas drawing<br />

satisfies the mind.” Roger de Piles favoured the colourists in<br />

his 1673 Dialogue sur le Coloris (Dialogue on Colour), and his<br />

Another exhibition this summer in the National Gallery London,<br />

originally due in 2020, the fifth century anniversary of Raphael’s<br />

death, was rescheduled this year because of Covid-19. The<br />

LIFE & ART<br />

and appropriation. At each stage he studied the works of Titian,<br />

1677 Conversations sur la Peinture (Conversations on Painting).<br />

show places the artist’s visual thinking and conceptual processes<br />

Raphael was born Raffaello Sanzio on April 6, 1483, in Urbino,<br />

Veronese, Tintoretto, Elsheimer, Michelangelo, Raphael, Giulio<br />

It was an attack on everything the Academy stood for, including<br />

to the fore, and trace Raphael’s development from ‘primo pensie-<br />

Italy. He lost his mother, Magia di Battista Ciarla, at age 8 and<br />

Romano, Caravaggio and Annibale Carracci, and ancient sculp-<br />

its political functions in support of the King. Finally, the Rubenists<br />

ro’ to the final paintings, a survey of the artist’s entire career, his<br />

his father at 11 (1494). At the time, Urbino, in the Marche region<br />

ture. Both artists delegated some of their work but retained full<br />

won when Antoine Watteau’s ‘The Embarkation for Cythera’ was<br />

designs for others, and his studio organization.<br />

of eastern Italy, was a cultural centre that encouraged the Arts.<br />

control.<br />

accepted as his reception piece by the Academy in 1717. This<br />

Raphael’s father, Giovanni Santi (c. 1440/45-1494), was a court<br />

quarrel about ‘disegno’ and ‘colore’ caricatured Raphael’s<br />

Each exhibition in its own way illustrated the master’s complex<br />

painter to the highly cultured Duke of Urbino, Federigo da<br />

The century old debate, still ongoing ‘The quarrel for primacy<br />

‘Sapere Vivere’ and the complexity in design as well in colour<br />

talent. Since a lot of his work, such as fresco cycles and altar-<br />

Montefeltro. Giovanni taught the young Raphael basic painting<br />

of Form or Colour’ gives insight in the way different periods read<br />

of his supernatural grace and affability. His talent transformed<br />

pieces, is unmovable, a trip to Italy imposes itself as a stand-in<br />

techniques and exposed him to the principles of humanistic<br />

Raphael’s art, compared to what seems to be its opposite, Pieter<br />

replication of Antique sculpture in an innovation where everything<br />

for this void. In Rome, the exhibition explored Raphael’s career<br />

philosophy at the Duke of Urbino’s court.<br />

Paul Rubens. Two hundred years after Raphael’s death, he be-<br />

refers to everything. Raphael was design, colour and emotion.<br />

in reverse, from his burial, which impacted everybody in Europe,<br />

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