Diplomatic World_69

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etween Russia, Mongolia, China, South Korea, and Japan.<br />

Mongolia enjoys over 300 sunny days a year. The country’s combined<br />

wind and solar power potential is estimated to be equivalent<br />

to 2,600 gigawatts (GW) of installed capacity or 5,457 tera-<br />





watt-hours of clean electricity generation per year. The amount is<br />

Mongolia and the European Union are located geographically<br />

enough to meet the country’s energy demand (around 1.2GW as<br />

apart from each other. Despite the distance, the European Union<br />

of 2018), and can meet Northeast Asia’s regional energy demand<br />

is Mongolia’s important partner in foreign policy and our Third<br />

with a suitable transmission infrastructure. Mongolia’s current<br />

Neighbour Policy, with whom we share common values such as<br />

power generation capacity is currently made up of just 7 percent<br />

democracy, human rights, freedom, and the rule of law.<br />

from renewables and the Government has set a target of 20<br />

percent renewables by 2023 and 30 percent by 2030.<br />

Mongolia and the European Union established diplomatic<br />

relations on the first of August 1989. This year marks the 33rd<br />

One of the leading priorities of the government is to protect the<br />

anniversary of our official bilateral relations. The year of 2022 has<br />

needs and rights of the investors, to provide foreign investors<br />

been a great achievement for our bilateral relations. In the first<br />

with stable legal policies and cooperation as well as a favourable<br />

half of this year, we have successfully organized the visit of our<br />

environment, to aid in its implementation process of international<br />

Vice Chairman of the State Great Hural (Parliament) to the Euro-<br />

contracts, domestic laws and regulations.<br />

pean Parliament, as well as the 14th Inter-parliamentary meeting<br />

between the State Great Hural (Parliament) and the European<br />

The Government of Mongolia has been taking an active policy<br />

Parliament; the 21st Joint Committee meeting between Mongolia<br />

to attract inward foreign direct investment since Mongolia has<br />

and the EU; the Trade and Investment Subcommittee meeting<br />

adopted a market economic system and has been persistently<br />

and the Human Rights Dialogue.<br />

conducting a policy that stabilizes the legal environment of foreign<br />

investment and provides more favourable conditions for the<br />

Mongolia has set a goal to reach a level where it is fully capable<br />

investment procedures and regulations.<br />

of competing in the region of Asia and the Pacific by 2050.<br />

To achieve this objective, in 2020 the Parliament approved<br />

To help investors in European Union have access to Mongolian<br />

a new long-term development, strategic policy document<br />

Direct Investment (FDI) annually targets the mining sector.<br />

As the birthplace of the Chinggis Khaan, Mongolia offers unique<br />

economy and benefit from the their investment in Mongolia,<br />

“Vision-2050”. The main objectives of the EU’s Global Gateway,<br />

natural landscapes and mysterious historical and cultural relics.<br />

Mongolian companies and businesses jointly with the Embassy<br />

Green Deal as well as the Digital Agenda very much coincides<br />

The mining sector is obviously the prevailing sector of our econ-<br />

It remains one of the last great adventure destinations in Asia.<br />

of Mongolia in the Kingdom of Belgium are in a process of set-<br />

with the objectives of mid-term and long-term development<br />

omy and main base of our trade and industry. However, we face<br />

Mongolia is the only place where visitors can get acquainted with<br />

ting up the Chamber of Commerce of Mongolia in the European<br />

policy of Mongolia.<br />

the disadvantages of being over-dependent of one sector.<br />

real nomadic life and travel to pristine nature by enjoying the big<br />

Union (CCMEU).<br />

Therefore, the Government of Mongolia attaches great impor-<br />

sunrise in the Gobi and visiting the untouched natural places that<br />

For instance, the Government of Mongolia is engaging in a Forest<br />

tance in diversifying its economy and we are considering to<br />

were mentioned in historical sources.<br />

To provide government services to investors in comfortable<br />

Partnership with the EU. The President of Mongolia has launched<br />

develop the value-added industrial sector as a matter of urgency.<br />

environment without any delay, the Government of Mongolia<br />

a national campaign to plant a billion trees by 2030, and the<br />

The Parliament of Mongolia has adopted The State Industrial<br />

Forbes has named Mongolia as one of 10 best tourism destina-<br />

has launched an “Invest in Mongolia” One-Stop Service Center<br />

campaign is part of Mongolia’s efforts to reduce the impact of<br />

Policy of Mongolia back in 2015. It shall lead up to determine<br />

tion for 2019 and Insider has listed Mongolia as one of the<br />

(OSSC) in partnership with relevant ministries and public institu-<br />

planet-wide climate change and to bolster the country’s contri-<br />

integrated activities to create the knowledge and skill-driven<br />

13 unique destinations to spend a honeymoon. Tourism has<br />

tions.<br />

bution to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development<br />

manufacturing of high value-added products and services from<br />

been highlighted as a potential sector to examine in terms of<br />

Goals. The EU Green Deal, together with Mongolia’s commitments<br />

agricultural raw materials and mining industry. Given the improv-<br />

high FDI potential for the medium to long-term. In recent years,<br />

The Government of Mongolia strongly maintains and supports<br />

to the protection and sustainable management of forests, provide<br />

ing investment climate (last year, for instance, Moody’s Investors<br />

the Government has introduced a series of inspiring measures to<br />

Mongolian companies and businesses to have access to Europe-<br />

a solid framework for Mongolia and the EU to step up our efforts<br />

Service changed the outlook on the Mongolian government’s<br />

improve infrastructure and promote tourism and has set ambi-<br />

an markets through various EU incentives and tax programs such<br />

in combatting main global challenges such as climate change<br />

issuer ratings from negative to stable), there is a high potential for<br />

tious short and medium-term objectives for the sector, including<br />

as GSP+ and others.<br />

mitigation.<br />

Mongolia’s industrial base to grow.<br />

boosting international arrivals in Mongolia. As a developing<br />

sector with high growth potential, boosting investments in hotels,<br />

Within the framework of the Government objectives aiming to<br />

Thus, I believe that the main objectives of our common goals<br />

Apart from vast mining resources, we also have broad opportunity<br />

tour camps, eco-tourism and foreign tour operators are highly in<br />

restore investors’ confidence and to attract more investment into<br />

would contribute to further strengthening Mongolia and the<br />

and potentials to develop traditional food and agricultural sector.<br />

demand.<br />

the country, the Government of Mongolia has established the<br />

European Union bilateral relations as well as jointly addressing<br />

There is a great potential for exports of high value-added industrial<br />

investor Protection Council in 2016. Public-Private Consultative<br />

many global challenges as well as successfully implementing the<br />

products based on meat, cashmere, yak hair, sheep, and camel<br />

Mongolia has a huge potential to export renewable electricity<br />

Committee was established under the Investment protection<br />

sustainable development goals<br />

wool and over the past decade, the agriculture sector – one of<br />

across Northern Asia. According to the ‘Renewables Readiness<br />

council in 2017 with the purpose of ensuring equal participation<br />

Mongolia’s oldest industries – has remained integral to the coun-<br />

Assessment: Mongolia’ from the International Renewable Energy<br />

of both public and private sector by reflecting their suggestions<br />

try’s long-term development strategy, even as mining, telecoms<br />

Agency, Mongolia’s mostly untapped renewable resources could<br />

and recommendation in policymaking process related to invest-<br />

and some other relatively new sectors have grown rapidly.<br />

be used to kick-start a major cross border power corridor<br />

ment and business environment.<br />

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