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Charon’s Crossing stayed relatively busy for most of the day. There was a

lull mid-afternoon before more people came as the blue sky started to shift

toward the encroaching dark. Wallace stayed in the kitchen, feeling

voyeuristic as he watched the customers filter in and out.

He was surprised (Mei be damned) to see that not a single person tried to

boot up a laptop or spend any time on their phones. Even those who came

alone seemed happy enough to just sit in their chairs, taking in the noise of

the tea shop. He was slightly amused (and more than a little horrified) when

he tried to figure out what day it was, only to realize he had no idea. It took

him a moment to count back the days. He’d died on a Sunday. His funeral had

been Wednesday.

Which meant today was Thursday, though it felt like weeks had passed. If

he were still alive, he’d be in the office, his day hours from being over. He

always kept himself busy to the point of exhaustion, so much so that he’d

usually collapse by the time he got home, falling face-first onto his bed until

his alarm blared bright and early the next morning to begin all over again.

It was illuminating.

All that work, all that he’d done, the life he’d built. Had it mattered? What

had been the point of anything?

He didn’t know. It hurt to think about.

With these thoughts thundering around his head, he played the part of the

voyeur as he had nothing else to do.

Mei was in and out of the kitchen, telling Wallace she preferred to stay in

the back if at all possible. “Hugo’s the people person,” she told him. “He

likes to talk to everyone. I don’t.”

“You’re in the wrong line of work if that’s the case.”

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