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finding the truth within himself. Whatever the reason, he didn’t try to stop

himself when he said, “I wish I’d met someone like you before.”

Hugo was quiet for a long moment. Then, “Before?”

He shrugged, refusing to meet Hugo’s gaze. “Before I died. Things might

have been different. We could have been friends.” It felt like a great secret,

something quiet and devastating.

“We can be friends now. There’s nothing stopping us.”

“Aside from the whole dead thing, sure.”

He startled when Hugo stepped back from the railing, a determined look

on his face. He watched as Hugo extended his hand toward him. He stared at

it before looking up at Hugo. “What?”

Hugo wiggled his fingers. “I’m Hugo Freeman. It’s nice to meet you. I

think we should be friends.”

“I can’t—” He shook his head. “You know I can’t shake your hand.”

“I know. But hold out your hand anyway.”

Wallace did.

And so, under the field of stars, Wallace stood before Hugo, their hands

extended toward each other. Inches separated their palms, and though it still

felt like an endless gulf between them, Wallace was sure, for a moment, he

felt something. It wasn’t quite the heat of Hugo’s skin, though it felt close. He

mirrored Hugo, raising his hand up and down, up and down in the

approximation of a handshake. The cable between them flashed brightly.

For the first time since he’d stood above himself in his office, his breath

forever gone, Wallace felt relief, wild and vast.

It was a start.

And it terrified the hell out of him.

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