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Next, the sensitivity readers. Not to diminish the work anyone else did on

this book, but the sensitivity readers were, perhaps, some of the most

important. Of the five central characters—Wallace, Hugo, Nelson, Mei, and

Apollo—three are characters of color. The sensitivity readers sifted through

various iterations with a fine-toothed comb and provided extremely

beneficial notes. I’d like to thank the sensitivity readers at Tessera Editorial,

as well as moukies, who made the character of Hugo that much better.

Saraciea Fennell and Anneliese Merz are my publicists and cheerleaders,

and all around some of the best people an author could ask for on their team.

I don’t know how they do what they do, but we’re all the better for them and

the tireless work they do.

The higher up are Tor Publisher Devi Pillai, President of TDA Fritz Foy,

VP and Director of Marketing Eileen Lawrence, Executive of Publicity Sarah

Reidy, VP of Marketing and Publicity Lucille Rettino, and Chairman/Founder

of TDA Tom Doherty. They believe in the power of queer storytelling, and

I’m grateful they are letting me make the fantasy genre that much gayer.

Becky Yeager is the marketing lead, meaning it’s her job to get the word

out about my books. One of the big reasons they’ve been read as widely as

they have is her work. Thanks, Becky.

Rachel Taylor, the digital marketing coordinator, runs the Tor socialmedia

accounts and makes sure everyone sees my dumb tweets about my

books. Thanks, Rachel.

On the production side of things, you have production editor Melanie

Sanders, production manager Steven Bucsok, interior designer Heather

Saunders, and jacket designer Katie Klimowicz. They make everything look

as good as it does. In addition, I’d like to thank Michelle Foytek, senior

manager of publishing operations, who coordinates with production to get all

the exclusive materials into the right editions.

And the jacket, man. The jacket. Go stare at it for just a moment. See how

freaking rad that is? That’s because of Red Nose Studios. Chris has the

uncanny ability to somehow dig around in my brain and make my imagination

come to life in the form of the amazing jacket art he’s made for me. I am in

constant awe of the work he does. Thanks, Chris.

I’d also like to thank the Macmillan sales team for all their support and

hard work in getting this book—and all my others—out to bookstores

everywhere. They are the best cheerleaders an author could ask for.

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