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heavily through his nose as he tried again with the same results. And again.

And again. And again.

Wallace heard Nelson laughing, but ignored him. If Nelson could sit in a

chair, then it was something Wallace could do too. He just needed to figure

out how.

He grew even more frustrated a few moments later when he still couldn’t

touch the chair.



“You’ve accepted you’re dead,” Nelson said. “At least a little bit. You

think you can’t interact with the corporeal world because of it. Your mind is

playing tricks on you.”

Wallace scoffed. “Isn’t that what you all wanted me to do? Accept that I’m


He didn’t like the smile that grew on Nelson’s face. “Come here.”

Wallace did.

Nelson motioned for him to sit on the floor before him. Wallace sighed,

but he had no other choice. He sank to the floor, crossing his legs, hands

twitching on his knees. Apollo raised his head and looked at him. His tail

thumped. He turned himself toward Wallace, rolling onto his back, legs

kicking in the air. When Wallace didn’t accept the obvious invitation to

scratch his stomach, he whined pitifully.

“No,” Wallace said. “Bad dog.”

Apollo farted in reply, a long sonorous sound.

“Oh my god,” Wallace mumbled, unsure how he would find the strength to

make it through the night.

“Who’s a good boy?” Nelson cooed. Apollo almost knocked Wallace

over as he wiggled at the praise.

“Are you going to help me or not?”

“Ask me nicely,” Nelson said, sitting back in his chair. “Just because

we’re dead doesn’t mean we don’t have to use our manners.”

“Please,” Wallace said, grinding his teeth together.

“Please what?”

Wallace wished they were both alive so he could murder Nelson. “Please

help me.”

“That’s better,” Nelson said. “How’s the floor? Is it comfortable?”

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