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going off in my head, the explosions bright. They hurt. By the time my vision

cleared, they were gone. I tried to tell myself I’d imagined it all, but then

someone knocked on the door ten minutes later, and I knew it wasn’t only in

my head because the police were there, saying things I didn’t want to hear. I

told them it was a mistake, it had to be a mistake. I screamed at them to get

the hell away from me. Grandad showed up shortly after, and I begged him to

tell me the truth. He did.”

“How old were you?”

“Twenty-five,” Hugo said.


“Yeah. It was … a lot. And then the Manager came to see me.” His voice

hardened slightly. “Three days after their funeral. One moment I was going

through things in the house I thought could be donated to Goodwill, and the

next he was standing in front of me. He … told me things. About life and

death. How it’s a cycle that never ends and never would. Grief, he said, is a

catalyst. A transformation. And then he offered me a job.”

“And you took it? You believed him?”

Hugo nodded. “The Manager is many things, most of which I can’t even

begin to describe. But he’s not a liar. He speaks only in truths, even if we

don’t want to hear what he has to say. I didn’t trust him right away. I don’t

know if I do even now. But he showed me things, things that should have

been impossible. Death has a beauty to it. We don’t see it because we don’t

want to. And that makes sense. Why would we want to focus on something

that takes us away from everything we know? How do we even begin to

understand that there’s more than what we see?”

“I don’t know the answer to that,” Wallace admitted. “To any of it.” That

troubled him, because he felt like he should know, like the answer was on the

tip of his tongue.

“Faith,” Hugo said, and Wallace groaned. “Oh, stop it. I’m not talking

about religion or God or whatever else you might be thinking. Faith isn’t

always … it’s not just about those things. It’s not something I can force upon

you, even if you think that’s what I’m doing.”

“Aren’t you?” Wallace asked, trying to keep his voice even. “You’re

trying to make me believe in something I don’t want.”

“Why is that, do you think?”

Wallace didn’t know.

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