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Through the coolers.

He yelled incoherently as he went through a row of soda, and then a wall

of cement. He was outside again, on the side of the store. He ran his hands

over his arms as his skin continued to flake. The hook in his chest twisted

angrily, the cable running back into the wall he’d just rushed through. He ran

around the back of the store. An empty field stretched behind it under a night

sky that seemed infinite. On the other side was another neighborhood, the

houses close together, some with lights on, others dark and foreboding. He

took off toward them, still rubbing his arms frantically.

He crossed the field and went between two houses. Music blared from the

house on his right; the house to his left was silent and dark. He burst through

the wall of the right house directly into a bedroom where a woman in a fullbody

suit of red leather slapped a riding crop against her palm, her attention

on a man in footie pajamas who said, “This is going to be so awesome.”

“Oh dear god,” Wallace croaked before backing out of the house slowly.

He turned toward the street in front of the houses.

He paused when his feet met pavement. He wasn’t sure where to go, and

now the skin on his legs was flaking off through his sweats and off the top of

his feet. His ears were ringing, and the world had taken on a hazy glow, the

colors running together. The cable flashed violently, the hook shaking.

He hurried down the sidewalk, wanting to get as far as he could. But it

was as if the bottoms of his flip-flops had melted, sticking to the concrete.

Each and every step was harder than the one before it, like he was moving

under water. He grunted at the exertion. The ringing in his ears grew louder,

and he couldn’t focus. He gritted his teeth as he tried to push through it. The

fingernail from the pinkie of his right hand slid off and disintegrated.

He curled his hand into a fist as he looked up. There, standing in the

middle of the street, was a man.

But he was wrong, somehow, off in ways that turned Wallace’s skin to ice.

The man was hunched over, his back to Wallace, his shirtless torso covered

in gray, sickly skin, his spine jutting out sharply. His shoulders shook as if he

were heaving. His pants hung low on his hips. His sneakers were scuffed and

dirty. His arms hung boneless at his sides.

A chill ran down Wallace’s spine even as he took another step, everything

in him screaming to back away, to run before the man turned around. He

didn’t want to see what the man’s face looked like, sure it would be just as

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