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Nancy did as asked, clutching her purse in her lap. She didn’t look at any

of them, quietly refusing the offer of tea from Hugo as Desdemona took a seat

next to her.

Desdemona smiled at her. “I know we didn’t quite make contact the last

time you and I were here. But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen now. When

we came a couple of weeks ago, the spirits were … active. I don’t think any

of them were Lea, but you weren’t with us then. It’ll help having you here to

focus. I have a feeling today will bring the answers you seek.” She reached

over and touched Nancy’s elbow. “If you need a break, or want to stop

entirely, say the word.”

Nancy nodded. She looked down at the Ouija board. “You think we’ll get

something this time?”

“I hope so,” Desdemona said. “Either through the board or automatic

writing. But if we don’t, we’ll try again. You remember what to do, right?

Direct your questions toward me, keeping them to yes or no answers if you

can. I’ll ask whatever you want, and if all goes well, the spirit energy will

run through me. Be patient, especially if another spirit is trying to speak


“Okay,” Nancy whispered as she sniffled.

Desdemona glanced at Thin Man. “Is everything ready?”

“As it’ll ever be,” Thin Man mumbled as he pressed a button on the

camera. It beeped, and a red light began to blink. He pulled out a pad of

paper and a pen from his bag. He looked around nervously, as if

remembering the last time they’d been here, and the chaos that’d ensued.

“And as we discussed,” Desdemona said to Nancy, “we’re not streaming

live per your request. We’ll post the video later, but only after you’ve seen

the edited version and agreed to it. Anything you don’t want shown, we’ll

keep to ourselves.”

Nancy gripped her purse tighter.

“Do you have any questions before we begin? If you do, that’s okay. You

can ask me anything you want. I won’t start until you’re ready.”

She shook her head.

Desdemona wiggled her shoulders, breathing in through her nose and out

through her mouth. She cracked her knuckles before settling her hands on the

planchette in the middle of the Ouija board. “Spirits! I command that you

speak with me! I know you’re there. This will allow us to communicate with

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