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Hugo, for his part, didn’t look as perturbed as Wallace felt. If anything, he

was resigned. The customers at the counter scattered as the woman

approached. “Back so soon?” Hugo asked, voice even.

“Hugo,” the woman said in greeting. “I expect you won’t make things

difficult for me, yes?”

Hugo shrugged. “You know you’re always welcome, Ms. Tripplethorne.

Charon’s Crossing is open for all.”

“Oh,” she breathed. “Aren’t you lovely, you silly flirt. Open for all, you

say? What could you possibly mean by that?”

“You know what I mean.”

She leaned forward. Wallace was reminded of a nature documentary he’d

seen once about the mating habits of birds of paradise, their plumage on full

display. She was obviously aware of her more … substantial features. “I do.

And you know what I mean, sweet man. Don’t think you have me fooled. The

things I have seen across the world would be enough to strike fear into the

very heart of you.” She traced her finger on the back of Hugo’s hand on the


“I have no doubt,” Hugo said. “So long as you don’t bother my other

customers, and stay out of—”

“Oh hell no,” a voice growled. The doors behind the counter swung open,

smacking against the wall and rattling the jars filled with tea as Mei stalked

out of the kitchen, a small towel in her hands.

“—Mei’s way, we’ll be fine,” Hugo finished.

“Mei,” the woman said with no small amount of scorn.

“Desdemona,” Mei snarled.

“Still back in the kitchen, I see. Good for you.”

Hugo managed to hold Mei back before she launched herself over the


The woman—Desdemona Tripplethorne, a mouthful if there ever was one

—remained unaffected. She slapped her gloves against her hand as she

looked upon Mei dismissively. “You should work on those anger issues,

petal. They’re unbecoming of a lady, even one such as yourself. Hugo, I’ll

take my tea at my usual table. Make it quick. The spirits are restless here

today, and I won’t miss my opportunity.”

Mei wasn’t having it. “You can take the tea and shove it up your—” But

whatever threat she wanted to make was left to the imagination as Hugo

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