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Wallace couldn’t. Everything was hazy. The colors were melting around

him. His strings had been cut, and he was floating away, away, away.

“Then yes,” Wallace said. “I’ll be there when you go.”

Cameron hugged Mei.

He hugged Nelson.

He patted Apollo on the head.

He said, “Will it hurt?”

“No,” Hugo said. “It won’t.”

He looked to Wallace, holding out his hand. “Will you?”

Wallace didn’t hesitate. He took Cameron’s hand in his own. Cameron

clutched him tightly as if to keep Wallace from floating away.

Mei, Nelson, and Apollo stayed on the bottom floor.

“I expect you to come right back, Wallace,” Nelson called out. “I’m not

done with you yet.”

“I know,” Wallace said, squeezing Cameron’s hand to get him to stop. He

looked back at them. “We won’t be long.”

Nelson didn’t look like he believed him, but Wallace couldn’t do anything

about that now.

Hugo led the way up the stairs to the second floor.

“Can you hear that?” Cameron asked. “It’s singing.”

To the third floor.

“Oh,” Cameron said, tears streaming down his cheeks. “It’s so loud.” He

looked out the windows as they passed them by, and he laughed and laughed.

Wallace didn’t know what he saw, but it wasn’t meant for him.

To the fourth floor.

They stopped at the landing.

The flowers carved into the wood of the door bloomed on the ceiling

above them.

The leaves grew.

“When you’re ready, remove the hook and let it go. I’ll open the door. Just

tell me when,” Hugo said.

Cameron nodded and looked up at Wallace floating above them. He

squeezed Wallace’s hand before pulling him down to eye level. “I know,” he

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