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Wallace thought of his mother in the kitchen, candy canes in the oven.

“What happened to Cameron?”

“He left,” Hugo said. “And nothing I could do or say would stop him.”

His voice grew hard. “The Reaper told me to let him go. That he’d learn his

lesson and come running back the moment he saw his skin starting to flake.

And because I didn’t know what else to do, I listened to the Reaper.”

Wallace felt his own tremor, vibrating through his skin. “He didn’t come


Hugo was stricken. Wallace could see it plainly on his face. It made him

look impossibly young. “No. He didn’t. I’d been warned, before, what could

happen if someone like you left. What those people could become. But I

didn’t think it could happen so quickly. I wanted to give him space, to allow

him to make the decision to come back on his own. The Reaper told me I was

wasting my time. The only reason I went in the first place was the tie

between us just … snapped. The Reaper was right, in his own way. By the

time I found him, it was already too late.” He hesitated. Then, “We call them


Wallace frowned. “Husks? What does that mean?”

Hugo bowed his head. “It’s … apt. For what he is. An empty shell of who

he used to be. His humanity is gone. Everything that made him who he is,

every memory, every feeling, it’s just … gone. And there’s nothing I can do to

bring him back. That was my first earthquake as a ferryman. I’d failed


Wallace reached for him—to offer comfort?—but stopped when he

remembered he couldn’t touch Hugo. He curled his fingers as he dropped his

hand. “But you didn’t stop.”

“No,” Hugo said. “How could I? I told myself that I’d made a mistake,

and even though it was a terrible one, I couldn’t allow it to happen to anyone

else. The Manager came. He told me that it was part of the job, and there was

nothing I could do to help Cameron. He made his choice. The Manager said it

was unfortunate, and that I needed to do everything in my power to make sure

it didn’t happen again. And I believed him. It wasn’t until a couple of months

later when the Reaper brought a little girl that I realized just how little I


A little girl.

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