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2021; Pearson et al., 2022) This evidence

of excessive heat – local officials and built

Safety is cited more often as a concern

the bicycles down and eventually stops

points to a need for a diverse approach

environment professionals can ensure that

by women bicyclists than males. (Bopp

them once inside the Dismount Zone.

to implementing bicycle infrastructure

all residents have safe, comfortable cycle

et al., 2012; Heesch et al., 2012) According

(Texas A&M University, 2018) Prioritising the

networks in American suburbs, as simply


to Garrard, Crawford, & Hackman (2006),

reduction of toxic interactions between

placing down bicycle lanes does not directly

sexual harassment was reported by women

cars, bicyclists, micromobility users, and

correlate with increased ridership.


at a rate of 25 times more than males.

pedestrians can increase safety and reduce

A vast array of safety issues and concerns

Additionally, bicycling is more public in

concerns associated with the barrier.

Even with robust cycle infrastructure, heat

serve as barriers to existing and potential

nature than driving, making the activity

can deter older demographics because of

cyclists around the world. Safety is also

more susceptible to physical, verbal, and

According to a survey by Boufous et al.

their increased susceptibility to the effects

commonly the most cited barrier to

sexual abuse from motorists. (Higgins &

(2021) on older cyclists in New South Wales,

of intense heat and sunshine and increased

bicycling. (Higgins & Ahern, 2021; Manaugh

Ahern, 2021) While the root of this issue

Australia, the majority of those surveyed

likelihood of immobility. However, even with

et al., 2016) Toxic interactions with motorists

won’t simply be resolved by fully separating

indicated that safety concerns related

potential deterrents like excessive heat,

and incompatible levels of traffic, high

bicyclists from motorists, there is potential

to interactions with motorists and cars

rain, snow, or other extreme weather, some

speeds, and the lack of adequate and

to decrease these toxic interactions

were among their top barriers to cycling.

research indicates that older demographics

separated infrastructure, specifically,

and provide safer environments for

Specifically, issues like lack of separation

who maintain active lifestyles fare better

are commonly cited as safety barriers to

active travellers by providing exclusive

between motorists and cyclists, motorist

in the heat, thus benefitting the case for

cycling. (Boufous et al., 2021; Pearson et al.,

infrastructure for those using bicycles.

aggression, and traffic speeds were among

better active travel infrastructure in the

2022) Moreover, cyclists generally prefer

the most cited safety concerns. Notably,

United States and elsewhere. (Schuster et

separation from motorists over riding on

While interactions between motorists

however, when asked what factors might

al., 2017) Ensuring that active travellers are

shared roadways. (Buehler & Dill, 2016) This

and bicyclists or pedestrians are the most

encourage them to cycle more, respondents

shaded and kept comfortable throughout

concern extends beyond the act of bicycling

dangerous, the interactions between

cited better modal separation, better

their journey can assist young people,

as well, with concerns over adequate, safe

bicyclists and pedestrians are also

cultural attitudes towards cycling, and

adults, and the elderly in maintaining a

bicycling parking adding to perceived

important in understanding the barriers to

better cycle infrastructure. (Boufous et al.,

base level of comfort in extreme heat.

and actual barriers. (Vietinghoff, 2021;

cycling and other active travel methods. At


Pearson et al., 2022) These concerns can

Texas A&M University, “Dismount Zones”

The existing literature precisely points to the

be mitigated with a mix of investments

have been implemented where large

In addition to the elderly, children are more

importance of a broad and comprehensive

into high-quality infrastructure, facilities,

numbers of bicyclists and pedestrians cross

prone to the effects and consequences of

approach to the implementation

and incentive policies – like bicycle signals,

paths. Users of the Veo Ride bikeshare

intense heat than adults. (Sun et al., 2021)

of successful bicycle infrastructure.

bike boxes, and bicycle-specific phases at

program are required to dismount their

They are also less aware of the dangers of

By designing adequately for these

intersections. (Buehler & Dill, 2016)

bicycles and walk, reinforced by the

excessive heat exposure and are more at-

environments – particularly in the context

university’s technology system that slows

risk of experiencing problems like heat



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