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(2) effort; (3) comfort; (4) safety; (5) cost;

hot environments. (Bigazzi et al., 2022)

heat on physical activity relates more to

Weather patterns influence the inclination

and (6) presence of bicycle parking. There

Additionally, factors like the adjacency of

their physical fitness and general health

of residents to use active travel for

is also evidence that points to a correlation

fast-moving traffic, large and unprotected

levels than their age. Ensuring that the

commuter or leisure purposes. (An et al.,

between the amount of mixed-uses (living,

junctions, and the quality of roads

built environment safely and comfortably

2019; Pearson et al., 2022) To what extent

shopping, fitness, education, office, etc.)

increased stress and decreased comfort.

invites active travel throughout the stages

is lesser known, but the definitively exists

and the likelihood that residents walk or

Emphasising stress reduction for bicyclists

of a person’s life can benefit their ability

and is important in understanding how

cycle between these destinations. (Saelens

and pedestrians in the context of PSC

to combat heat stress later in life. By

to construct environments conducive

et. al., 2003; Pucher & Buehler, 2006)

measurements – among other factors – can

providing adequate mid-route and end-

to healthier, cheaper, socially beneficial,

assist in understanding how to increase the

of-trip facilities and a functional network

financially stable, and more climate-friendly

The rise of eBikes and microtransit offer

share of residents who use these modes as

of shaded infrastructure, active travel –

modes of travel. Existing literature focuses

the potential to attract an increase in active

active travel rather than cars.

including eBikes and microtransit – can

extensively on climates that are normally

travel for users who emphasise effort as

mitigate the perceived and actual barriers

much cooler than the temperatures,

a large barrier. Particularly within hotter

A disconnected bicycle network

associated with comfort regarding active

humidity, and conditions found in places

climates, those that experience extreme

decreases user comfort level. Intersection

travel. (Pearson et al., 2022)

closer to the equator. (Pucher & Buehler,

heat, and built environments with long

design and perceived safety also play roles


distances between uses, reducing the

in residents’ decisions to cycle or walk.

Bringing together these five different

amount of effort required to use a bicycle to

(Buehler & Dill, 2016) According to Bigazzi

barriers, four strategies are created that

Perceived distances play a role in peoples’

get from point A to point B, in conjunction

et al. (2022), bicyclists travelling at high

look to address the biggest physical,

perceptions of effort as a barrier to bicycling.

with other efforts, can help mitigate

speeds, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, and

mental, and social issues people face when

(Manaugh et al., 2016) However, there is

the perceived obstacles associated with

path capacity all decreased user comfort.

bicycling or thinking about bicycling:

strong evidence that significant latent

exertion in these climates. (Pucher &

demand exists for trips less than 2.5km

Buehler, 2006; Noland, 2021

Hot weather can deter young bicyclists

1. “Nudge” aims to visualise the alternative

– especially within the context of sprawling

as they age to and through puberty as

to car-centric environments.

built environments like those found in


social pressures change and increase.

2. “Incentivise” brings together policy

many American cities and suburbs. (Krizek

Perception of Safety and Comfort

Hygiene and personal appearance play

and design to give people valid and

et al., 2009; Butterworth & Pojani, 2018)

(PSC) is a measurement focused on the

increasingly prominent roles in these

attractive reasons to bicycle.

Additionally, in Manaugh et al.’s study

perceived, relative safety and comfort

demographics’ lives, and excessive heat

3. “Dedicate Infrastructure” provides

(2016), distance was found to be the “second

associated with bicyclists’ and pedestrians’

can create complicated circumstances

residents of all ages the physical means

least important barrier” – after cost – out of

built environments. Extreme heat can

for young bicyclists. According to Sun et.

to actually bicycle for commutes, leisure,

the six most-commonly cited barriers by

increase physiological stress on active

al (2021), older demographics’ sensitivity

or local trips.

residents surveyed in Montreal: (1) distance;

travellers and decrease PSC in car-centric,

to heat stress and the impacts of intense

4. “Facilitate” attempts to fulfill the needs

of active travel in extreme heat.


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